A new Plunderstorm reward is now available - Updated Feb. 12

*pretends to be shocked*

Yeah, I’ve now several days after getting 5k plunder last week logged into and checked the mail of every toon I possess on retail realms, nothing there.

Don’t advertise incentives that do not work, please. It makes us feel terrible. I would not have played Plunderstorm were it not for this promised incentive.


Pretty sure that’s the point. They know Blunderstorm isn’t nearly as popular as hoped, so they resort to bribing people to play it.

Fix a bug where people aren’t getting their Blunderstorm bribe? Meh.

Make damn sure people can buy the new tender bundle from the shop? #1 PRIORITY!

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Cool story. I posted it here for visibility to the blues. Don’t like it, that’s your problem.

More of a you problem, since it’s off-topic.

So I still don’t have the item…?

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It’s really frustrating that Blizzard can’t reply with a “This is still a problem” or “No, it’s not a problem, you’re doing something wrong.”


*insert “so that was a lie” meme here*


Never got in game mail, submitted a ticket and they basically just told me to report the bug. I guess they don’t have a fix for it :confused:

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Not one blue post reply saying “Hey, we’re sorry, we’re investigating this problem.” Just a couple of reports from people who have filed bug reports saying they’re on it. It’d be nice to be recognized.

Please put a badge on our character screen so that we know that character has important mail. I feel like the reason you’re rationing it out so slow is because you’re trying to artificially drive logins up.


Kaivax, How about an update since you’re the one that said this was fixed. I see that you are posting in other forums but no update on this misinformation.

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K. Whatever you boys gotta say to save face. :+1:

Still no reward

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Two tickets and a bug report later, still nothing. Why do you guys treat some of us like we’re just… less important I guess?


The big thing for me is feeling like I don’t know if it even is properly keeping track of things. I’ve now bought every reward, earned way more than 5k this season. Can I stop and wait for the mail? Or does this mean it hasn’t been tracking my earnings and once it’s “fixed” I need to earn another 5k? I just want to know.

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oh yes I am sure in this 155 post thread complaining about the plunderstorm rewards they will read your post about the completely irrelevant problem you’re having. I’m not having a go, just if you want it fixed then there are better ways of doing it - making a seperate topic, putting it in bug reports for example

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Ay Kaivax since you made this post could you clarify on when we could be expected to get the rewards, why some people are and aren’t, how to determine which character will get the rewards in their mail, etc…

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I got the achievement for 10k plunder on the day this was “fixed”. Also, others have reported farming an additional 5000 plunder with nothing showing up.




Well that is moderately frustrating.