A new Plunderstorm reward is now available - Updated Feb. 12

Well over 5k plunder and multiple top 3 finishes. Still no reward.

i have not gotten it yet, 25k and over in the past, 5k plus this morning, checked every alt. nothing.

I’ve gotten over 10k plunder trying to get some of the pets and mounts (and hated every minute of it), yet I haven’t seen the in game mail. It feels bad doing something I hate (PvP) for a reward of high lvl PvE gear (any ilevel beyond siren isle world drop catch up gear at this point). I wish the reward was a PvP specific item instead of a PvE one.

If it’s not account wide, how can I choose which toon gets the item? I have a specific toon in mind who could most likely use it (very few hero track items; lots of champion gear), so I want to make sure that toon gets it.

I also call shenanigans.

adding myself to the list. earned and spent well over 5k, no mail on any chars yet :frowning:

No mail for me.

Those who have gotten the reward. Did it at least indicate your alt/character had mail? Or did you actually have to physically log in to each one to check?

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The reward does mail, just check all of your characters. If you didn’t get it on any of them, grind 5k more plunder to get it. I found it on a character that had never even been to Dornogal. As it is warbound you can send it to whatever character you want. How the game chooses which character it sends to is a mystery and the mail did not show up in the character selection screen.

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Is there a chance 5k is a typo for 50k? Has anyone who received the mail accumulated <50k?

I haven’t seen anything either (>5k, top 3, <50k). I’ve checked all max level and recently played characters. I can check all my random others, but clarification from Blizz would be nice.

It physically didn’t show on my load screen. I just happened to be switching alternate characters to start the next one on gear and ring from Siren isles and mailed myself something and when I checked it had the weird mail item in the box. But because I didn’t notice it was war-bound before using it got used on a very rarely played character.

But as the poster below you said, I checked all my characters after the point, and this was the random character that got selected to receive the mail.

I don’t know to be honest; I made like 98k the first season and only 40k this season. It was definitely easier this season to get plunder and get out of the event as fast as possible. But season 1, I had 1 #1 placement and this season 1 #2 placement but a bunch of top 10.

Still no mail. Can you please look into this Kaivax? A lot of us arent getting it.

Has anyone who got the similar reward last time got this new one?

Do you mean in Season 1 of Plunder Storm? Honestly, I can’t remember because plunder in S1 bought faction with rewards tied to that rank. This season plunder bought what I wanted, but damn wish it bought more tender like last season you earned it at milestones.

Yes. I was just ruling it out as a possibility for why people arent getting one this season. I don’t recall anyone saying they got this new reward and also got the reward last time.

The other rewards (mounts, pets, tenders, transmog) are also one timers, if you got them last time you cant get them again this time.

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Which is not yet final (hopefully) and we have been asking on the PTR forums for the renown cap to be 2 on the first week and increase by 2 each week so we can max the track by week 10 or move the dinars to at minimum week 8.

Still haven’t seen any mail on any of my characters and I have earned over 250,000 plunder this season of plunderstorm

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I think I’ve earned 5k since this announcement went out, and well over 5k since the event started. No mail. Wish there was some more info available for those of us reporting this.

I keep asking this and no one answers.

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fix ya garbage game

Has anyone actually gotten this yet? All I see is people saying they haven’t, and you can add me to that pile. I’ve now gotten everything I can from the pluderstore and won’t be doing any more if I don’t have to …