I sap Alliance standing next to EZ Mine nodes. It’s just good fun!
I’ll pay 15 gold for any screenshot of Kiethoo killing Alliance in PvP. 20 gold if it’s in Wintergrasp.
I have no idea who he is lol I just saw him in general chat
I should use swoop up talent just to sleep them next to one…
Lol, no worries. Just once upon a time, Kiethoo made a similar offer of gold about anyone killing a specific Alliance player in Wintergrasp.
I really dislike the whole Race on both sides thing.
I was really angry we got Blood Elves a long time ago but I let that go. I always felt like The Draenei being Horde would have been more interesting story wise.
With Valen and Thrall having to keep the peace between old scores and hatred and then coming together for our shared hatred of the Legion and loss of Draenor (and Argus).
REALLY dont care for Dwarves on Horde…I know they are earthen but come on…
Why not KOBOLDS for Horde?
I would rather have KOBOLDS then Dwarves…
Lightforged Draenei should have been Horde. No Draenor hang up and extremely militarized. Turaylon goes back to the Alliance. Alliance gets Highmountain.
Perfectly balanced. Both factions get a End Game rep AR and a Questing rep AR.
I was always against playing Warmode just because I started my WoW life on a PvP realm (Frostmane) and I understood how difficult it was to level up and just be in the world with PvP always on.
This expansion is my first time doing Warmode, and I’m honestly amazed at how easy it’s been to defend myself against people who struck first.
Even had a 2v1 battle against 2 rogues, thinking I’ll give it my best, but managed to take out both of them. Didn’t have a feeling like that since back in the old days of vanilla/TBC.
I think it makes sense for Pandaren and Dracthyr. Because neither of those really have a reason to be Horde or Alliance, and are truly ‘neutral’.
The issue with Earthen more than anything is that the whole questing experience leaned almost entirely on Alliance characters (I’m not sure Horde had any real presence in Dorn or Ringing Deeps), and Alliance characters were the catalyst behind them becoming a playable race. It would make 100% sense for them to become an allied race for the Alliance, and 0% sense for them to suddenly also join the Horde for reasons never explained.
I expect all allied races to be on both factions from now on.
dont forget the pvp items you can buy with honor.
One is a massive knockback thatll really help on those bridge fights