[A] Nagrand - Looking for casual raiding guild

Recently came back to see how 8.2 pans out and having a guild definitely makes things easier when it comes to raiding, especially if you missed previous tiers.

Mostly looking a casual guild and by casual i mean mostly heroic level, maybe try to touch 1-2 mythic bosses if things are going great but not really interested in that. And also the casual relaxed guild without many mandatory requirements, preferring a sing up to raid approach rather than mandatory, will almost always be available for the duration but im dont like the commitment or i might rarely have a reason to be unavailable for um reasons :l

Regarding me, mostly started raiding on late wod and more seriously in legion and by seriously i just mean heroic and mostly pugging after a while, though biggest achievement is managing to pug Ghuun heroic so talk about patience! And definitely prefer using discord, though dont talk much cuz unless i know ppl well.
I am very silly and weird and gay furry af so not one for people who think guilds are some army ultra professional serious business, and yeah im 27 and still this bad xd

Though fyi currently playing from Europe, mostly started playing here due to friend and also planning to move there probably in a few months so for the time being will be playing with 300ms which is pretty doable, especially since im playing ele, and have no issues with time difference since i often end up following aus time.

Oh yeah bnet is Ralph#12852

Hi there Rälph,

Have a look at our recruitment post as we may be a fit :slight_smile: