Motivate me-Whisperwind [A] is a semi-hardcore but chill raiding guild that strives for the highest quality of progression at a reasonable pace. We raid Tuesday/Sunday 8-11 CST. Our team is light-hearted in nature while maintaining focus on progression.
Us Motivated are a bunch of regular folks that all come together to reach a level none of us can reach alone. We are all in this together and a lot of us have been together in one form or another for a number of years.
Motivate me strives to provide both a positive outlook and a stable environment: a good ‘home’ if you will. Because of that, we encourage our current team to weigh in on the trial process. While the process itself might be shorter than others, we all have our lives inside and out of WoW. Everyone has a voice here and any action taken is meant to have the best interests in mind for the entirety of our home.
We also offer guild repairs, flasks, food, healing pots, and vantus runes where appropriate for raiding. We require raiders to come prepared and ready to raid with gear appropriately gemmed and enchanted and to provide their own pots. Since we rely on the guild bank to fund such things, donations of materials are always appreciated, but not required.
See wowprogress for a full detailed list of our current needs, but will always consider exceptional applicants of all classes/roles. Brief notes on our needs are:
Currently Recruiting:
Exceptional players of all other classes/specs
Raid: Tuesday/Sunday 8-11 CST
Alt Night: Not required. Wednesday 8 CST. Appropriately geared/prepared alts and friends are welcome. Opt-in invite
Mythic Plus: Not required, but encouraged so as to not worry about your weekly key and to build stronger connections within our home. Thursday 8 CST. Opt-in invite.
Required Addons:
DBM/Bigwigs (Whichever you prefer)
Angry Assignments
If you are interested in joining, please add me on discord or in game and I will invite you to our channel (Discord: Muffen#1276 / Btag: DSho#11343)