From the looks of it the WQ for this achievement pops up once every 5 weeks. Once every 5 weeks? Really? This is not an easy achievement to obtain and will take lots of practice. I have 4 shots at it I tired 3 all failed obviously and was off by about 7 seconds. I’m saving the 4th and last try for the morning when the sun is up in the game maybe I’ll see mobs better than night time.
To the game designer who designed this WQ and made this achievement part of the expansion meta “A Farewell to Arms” Do you think players enjoy losing over and over again or actually beat the game and win? This achievement is nothing but ehhh YOU LOSE and keep trying at it until players get it right, but there is a catch, players get to try it out every 5 weeks, and if you only have 1 horde character you are SOL. I have 4 horde characters and I’m SOL. FYI I’m not the only one who failed, many failed in the zone because I asked. There was someone who failed 7 times already.
Something needs to be done here for this achievement. At the very least increase the frequency of the WQ to twice per week like you did with “Getting Out of Hands” or do something. Now I know why 8% of the population have this achievement done (source wowhead)
If you have one of the toys that can make it appear as daytime, you can use that to help you see the area better.
Also, target the Warmothers past the pillars once you start moving down the path – they have a good collection of mobs around them that are not easily seen from the air.
More info can be found in the video below. Best of luck!
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Hey just a thought if you’re super serious about getting the meta done… Use these repeated huge xp bonus events?
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Anyway, it’s a very easy achievement if you follow one simple trick: Do not -HIT- any mobs with the bomb. That’s what bugs it out, it ends up targeting only that one unit instead of a proper AOE especially if you hit one of the Mothers or blood balls. Aim for the ground.
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From reading wowhead apparently the mobs near orbs don’t count and the WQ is bugged out if you hit the orbs. Basically this quest is not doable in it’s current format right now due to bugs. I have 1 last shot in me, but after reading wowhead it’s gonna be a fail due to bugs.
I did it just fine last night. And I didn’t avoid the orbs.
I don’t know what the issue is, but it isn’t as simple or predictable as you think.
No it’s not a simple as practice. I just did my 4th and last attempt and I didn’t get credit for 4 mobs. I even hit 1 mob twice and still didn’t get credit. Bottom line this WQ is bugged that is the end of it. It’s not a skill issue, but rather a bug issue preventing players from getting credit for a kill. Now we have to wait 5 more weeks for the WQ to be up and hope by then the bugs are fixed. fix it. Thanks
I was able to complete it this morning by avoiding the orb areas and basically just focusing on the road and Warmothers. Three other ppl from my guild were able to complete it following the same strat. Targeting the ground and not directly hitting the mobs as mentioned above seemed to help as well.
This is not a solution, we need a reliable solution. There is a 2 second decision time were I get to make a selection and honestly I’m not thinking about avoiding orbs and there are so many of them. There is an issue here that needs to be addressed that’s it.
- a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
Targeting the road and Warmothers worked for me which by definition is a “solution”. Might not be the solution you want but it is indeed a solution. That’s it.
This solution doesn’t fit the needs of the masses. just because it worked for you, it doesn’t mean it works for ALL players. I mean humans can walk on the moon and some have done it, but not all can do it. You are asking players to target mobs while making sure they don’t hit the orbs AND target the ground. Oh yeah all this has to happen in the span on 2 seconds. That is a huge ask don’t you think? I get 2 seconds per shot and I need to fire 15 shots according to youtube clips, That is how I got my 2 seconds window.
Edit: can someone please post a youtube of how it’s done now with it’s buggy format and how we can avoid triggering the bugs? I don’t think there is a fix for this bug since it existed from 6 years ago with no solution. Maybe a youtube of how to workaround it would help. Thanks a lot folks.
Failed 2 times got it on my 3rd attempt, jani is mine!!
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Watched by the robot for a while many times player after player fail many times over then few get it right after many attempts. A busted clock gets it right twice a day. This issue won’t be fixed since it’s an ongoing issue that was not fixed from 6 years ago. The workaround is out of this galaxy.
This achievement as is very hard to get and now with this workaround from “Andromeda” combined with 5 weeks WQ cycle time is making it harder/impossible to get. Like I said before you guys are no longer reliable and if you want something done, do it yourself.
Incorrect. All the little trolls and hulks count. The problem is that if you aim wrong THEY DON’T DIE.
Zooming the camera in and seeing that happen is exactly how I got the achieve done. It only took one attempt then.
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Not sure what I need to do, these “work arounds” are ridiculous. I tried 5 times and failed each one, I was around 75 when the 30s ran out
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“A Most Efficient Apocalypse” in its current format is bugged. A player must not target the orbs, a player must target the main road, a player must target the ground not the mobs and finally it takes about 15 shots at the mobs with a window of only 2 seconds between shots with 1 or 2 seconds to spare to obtain the achievement. Sounds hard/impossible to achieve? Well, it is.
Basically, if a player targets an orb, WQ bugs out and you won’t get credit for some mobs which leads to a failed attempt. This bug was known and reported 6 years ago and nothing was done about it back then. It’s a safe bet that this bug won’t be fixed now.
We the community need to come together and figure out a solution for this mess like we did with “Getting Out of Hands” achievement were the fix was to have someone do the taunting for you. So, I ask again Can someone please post a youtube video from this century of what needs to be done and explain as they are doing the WQ what to avoid and just go over it in details.
Rest a sure a fix for the bug won’t happen, that I can tell ya. Any tips/videos you have are greatly appreciated.
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There’s a video someone posted on a wowhead comment under the world quest from like 30 hours ago? They showed exactly how they got it
I did see the video last night and it looks very hard thing to do. The road on the right hand side got 6 groups with orbs that a player must avoid or it’s a failed attempt. It’s gonna take way too many tries to get this one right and we only see the WQ once every 5 weeks.
It’s a solution but not an easy one but a solution nonetheless. How about reduce the cycle of the WQ from once every 5 weeks to twice per week like you did with “Getting Out of Hands” WQ on alliance side? Is that doable? Can you at least do that? That way players can practice and get it right.
Edit: Does anyone know if it’s best to adjust the graphics all the way to max is best or should I lower them? I got my graphics set now to 7. Tips are appreciated. I’m trying to see orbs better.
Edit 2: Also how about increase the time from 30 seconds to 45 seconds to account for the implementation of this solution? If it’s not too much work. Compromise is good.
I’m telling you exactly how to do it, target the ground.
Look at me. With the WQ and completed meta achievements on 1/16. Guess how I got it? Targeting the ground. Got it on the first try doing that, after many failed attempts trying to hit balls and Mothers.
Mobs in the radius can fail to die if you don’t target the ground, settings do not matter. The only difference graphic settings can make is if you choose to zoom the camera in to see that mobs you dropped a bomb on are still alive.
So target the ground. Do bomb at least a good portion of the groups on the road at the start, only because the buildings have all kinds of geometry that block targeting the ground.
It sucks that this is buggy but there is an easy solution. Unlike Reining Champion which was a tremendous PITA even with unlimited attempts.
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I appreciate the help, but it’s not just target the ground. It’s target the ground and avoid orbs which is not easy thing to do. More than likely I’ll fail the meta “A Farewell to Arms” because of a bug not because of something I did wrong. It is what it is.
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