Welcome to Monkeebutt’s weekly raids!
We will be running weekly MS>OS raids. We aim to establish a welcoming and inclusive community for players who do not like spending gold on GDKP’s. We will also be recording logs, so this will be an excellent opportunity to generate logs for applying guilds!
-No Discord, no loot: Communication is key to running a successful raid, and we require all raid members to be in discord and have their server name set to the name of the character they are raiding on.
-We aim to make this a fun and rewarding experience for all, and we will not tolerate toxic behaviors or phobias.
-To make our weekly raids timely and efficient, all players must come to raids with consumables, or they will not receive any loot.
Feel free to join our discord to sign up!
Bnet - Paikon#11381
Discord- Paikon#6586