Need more ranged dps
Hey everybody, We are looking for another tank and two more healers with a viable dps spec preferably priest and druids. Also, we take warlocks! lots of warlocks!
Hi again! Still looking a tank and two flex dps/healers preferably priest and druids. If you are a warlock, we love you! We take many warlocks!
Wow I just wanted to stop and say high, we played together in Intent on Proudmoore I was the Resto Shaman at the time. Good luck In Your new adventures bud
Ty dude! We had some pretty good times back in legion. Hope your doing great as well
If you’d be interested in recruiting me let me know! Thanks
Hey everybody, Still looking for a tank another flex healer/dps resto/balance druid, paladin or monk and more range dps preferably mages, warlocks and elemental shamans. Thanks!
Hi , are you still recruiting healers ?
We are recruiting healers with a viable dps off spec. But I will take a excellent full time disc priest.
Hey everybody! we are looking for a holy paladin or Mistweaver monk and more range dps!
Whazzzuuup! Looking for more range dps! will consider exceptional melee dps.
Any rogues out there!
Hey all! we are looking for full time tanks, one holy paladin and more DPS.
Looks for everything! Come stop by and chat
Hi, we are looking for two full time tanks, one holy paladin and more dps.
Calling all paladins! and other people too of course.
Hi everybody, We are still looking for a full time tank, one holy paladin, one discipline priest and more dps. Also, our raid times have changed to 9pm - 11:30pm PST.
Looking for more raiders! Times have changed to one hour earlier! hope that opens more spots for people.
Hi everybody! We are still looking for tanks!
Looking to add another tank and more dps