A message to future Mythic+ tanks:

In World of Warcraft standards:


  1. Indicates you are willing to protect allies from harm by ensuring that enemies are attacking you instead of them.
The message to future Mythic+ tanks:

DO NOT SKIP MOBS WITHIN THE DUNGEON. DO NOT! Skipping, while it is a legitimate strategy, you, the tank, run the risk of one of your fellow DPS (or heavens forbid the healer!) to body aggro one of the mobs from behind. Bigger pulls means bigger damage. Bigger damage means one of you is most likely going to die. And dying sucks. Ask your neighborhood Forsaken Undead rogue. They will know.

“But skipping is necessary for Mythics!” In some cases yes. When the mobs are a good distance away. However, when the area is narrow, or mob groups are patrolling the area, the risk from skipping is bigger than it needs to be. If you somehow manage to skip, great, but if you die… the amount of time to catch back where you once were is greater than the amount of time simply to kill off the enemy. Put mathematically:

Time to catch up from a group wipe > Time to kill off the enemy.

People should already know this. Don’t be lazy. Play the game like you’re supposed to. If you have doubts about skipping, don’t be arrogant and have your group at risk. I can’t tell you how many times people have bailed because of group wipes. It’s a lot.

Thank you and good luck in your runs.

I’m ready to have my message be blown apart now by the norm of the GD. Bring it.


Kinda sounds like somebody doesn’t want to take personal responsibility for their mistakes and instead expect others to pick up their slack

Just walk around the mob, its never been hard


Here we go. The first post to deny the message.

Just walk around 4Head


Have you tried not buttpulling things?


Here’s the third one

Buy invis potions or use a stealth-like spell (4 classes)


Not everybody has alchemy or has an invis/stealth.


Yea, thats literally all you have to do

There’s not a jump puzzle with rotating gears and a spinning camera, its a flat line just walk past

“The groups should be forced to do dungeons slower and significantly less efficiently instead of having people learn how to control their characters movement!”


Nobody is forcing anybody how to play the game.

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Did you not read your own post?


My post is a recommendation, not a force.

Go roll a tank then.


Ah, in that case my post is also a recommendation

The recommendation of learning how to control your character


Unfortunately no matter how much character control you attempt, some groups are still banded together and runs a higher risk of body aggro.

Either that, or the area is narrow, as said in the OP.

I do roll a tank.

I cannot tell you how many of you casual players in dungeons this week have body pulled because they have no spatial awareness. It’s gotten to the point where I just pull the entire room to save myself the headache of chasing down your mistakes.


Have you seen how many extra mobs are in the dungeon.

Even in a standard route there’s lots of “skipped” mobs way out of the way just for aesthetic.

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Bro what pixel perfect skips are you doing lol

I actually can’t think of a single trash pack we’ve ever skipped while doing mythics that didn’t have a fair window to walk around, or was as simple as putting your characters face directly into the wall and smearing them along it to skip

Oh yea in heroics n junk, yea I have negative expectations of peoples awareness

I’ll pull mobs that Im 100% sure are impossible to facepull because someone will figure out how to facepull them during a boss


The ones where the tank thought everybody could do this in Brakenhide Hollow.

Had a hunter today auto walk through the welps in Azure and they screeched while the rest of us were fighting ahead. Instead of just dying and running back, he dragged them all to the group. :sweat_smile:


You can more often than not guide people through a skip.

If they can’t be then it’s likely a dead or at least very rough key.

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