[A] Mage, HP, Pally and SP walk into a bar

Mage, Holy Pally, Dwarf HP and Dwarf SP looking for a new home. We like nice folks/community. We are ready to raid and are attuned. Would prefer raids to be Fri/Sat evenings due to real life etc.
If you like pina coladas and walks in the rain we may be the grp to help fill out your raids.
Contact Fixi#1347

Hi there! < Era > is currently looking for all of the above. :smiley:

At the moment we raid with our sister guild on Tues/Thurs evenings, but we’re currently pushing recruiting to branch out on our own because many of us would prefer a Fri/Sat raid schedule instead.

We’re a very laid back guild. Most of our members are long time WoW players who’ve done the hardcore raiding thing in the past and now we’re just looking to relax, have fun, make new friends, and enjoy the community aspect of Classic that’s missing from retail these days. :upside_down_face:

If you’re interested or have any questions, just shoot me a message in game. I have a raging alt addiction, so the best way to get a hold of me is via Bnet (Discordia#1933).

Added you (I’m Balkoth#1847).

I think we’re exactly what you’re looking for – we only raid Fri/Sat evenings due to real life so if you want to see all of classic on that schedule with a considerate group of people we should talk.

Been raiding for about a month now and have cleared all of MC/Onyxia each week – we’re serious but not hardcore. Seems you’d be a good fit.