A lot of Night Elves on Story forum :)

Nope… the first and only shot that was fired nailed the Sendicar. (or whatever gold ship was called)

Actually I have to correct myself. The Sendicar was the ship with the Big Gun which never got a shot off. One of the first quests you have is to recover that gun and attach it to the the Vendicar.

The Vindicaar has shields, you see them when it gets shot later on by some cannons in the Antoran Wastes.

Yeah I thought so! I vaguely remembered seeing them just idling because you could see various attacks from demons and artillery.

As Valen himself states, those shield would have meant squat if the Vindicar had been hit with the same gun that brought down her sister ship.

I don’t think they had shields at that time. That was part of the point of getting the Crown of the Triumvirate.

They were more likely removed because blizzard is lazy and didnt want to copy any of the modular parts and actully put effirt into something they thought wouldnt matter.

In Drahliana’s never ending crusade to white wash the plight of the Night Elves he’s wrong once more. The Vindicaar did have shields. Its being constantly bombarded by the Legion during the Argus patch and the massive balls of fel get stopped by a shield that only becomes visible when struck. Literally hust run up to the globe you use to teleport and stare at out the massive front window for a few seconds.

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I discounted them because against the Legon’s Big Gun they would have been just as irrelevant as those of the Sendicar. The gold ship got taken out with one hit and Valen emphatically tells you that the same will happen with the Vendicar if you don’t stop the Legion from firing that gun again.

So whatever defenses the ship had in that particular scenario they might as welll have been non-existent if the Champion had allowed that gun to fire.

And what the blazes would this have to do with the War of Thorns anyway? We’ve long established that the Vendicar isn’t some super Nuke from Orbit starship and that the ship’s main offensive weapon had been removed by the time of the events of BFA, I would guess that it was taken back by the Army of the Light for use in Legion mopup on the multitude of Legion Worlds where remnants still persist.

Keep drinking the Cool Aid.

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Yes I will, I will enjoy it too!

In fact, I’d like another glass…with ice, it’s 92 degrees here in the evening.

Meanwhile you can keep raising your blood pressure over a GAME.

What I don’t understand if what they’re doing with the story upsets you so badly; Why are you continuing to shove that 15 a month?

Addicted since developmental age.

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Then seriously…consider getting help. The day I stop enjoying this or any other game is the day I hit cancel on the sub.

that isn’t how it works

Yes it is… you’re presumed to be competent to manage your own affairs and make your own decisions. anything else is an excuse, and I’m done with this exchange.

Personally there is still enough in the game for me to enjoy playing it from time to time but it isn’t really the official story elements. I also haven’t actually paid for a sub for awhile. I’ve been using gold reserves. The phenomenon I was talking about was more cultural than personal.

Unfortunately we don’t live in some utopia Drahliana where the only thing holding any one back is their own free will.

Fine by me bruh


sad but true.

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For me it’s simple. The people I play with. They are the ones helping me keep a semblance of sanity throughout BfA. While I do have a couple of friends IRL, I consider those I play with in WoW friends as well and would miss them terribly if I quit.


Fair enough, most of the friends I had on this game have moved on or out.

Been unsubbed for months and was still able to post on the forums. Because just like their ability to write a decent story for all of their playerbase, their ability to design a website is absolute trash.

I just recently resubbed a few days ago so I can enjoy Classic. Back before Night Elves became the designated punching bag every time the Horde need a power fantasy and the Humans need a damsel to save.