(A) Looking for RP partners and more

Hello Various RPers of moonguard. I’m once more seeking RP partners and characters for TWW and general RP. A guild is not off the table, but I have some very particular requirements which make one difficult to commit to.

TLDR. Character driven RP where the story is in service of the character, and revolves around the characters getting out and doing their thing. Just message/mail me in game, or here, I’m on daily.

What I’m looking for is character focused RP, which means, the characters involved are front and center, along with their skills, personality, and general being. This means stories are structured in service of the characters, in order to leverage their traits.
I’m booking for more character immersive RP, so things need to make sense for the characters involved, and it can’t feel ‘gamey’ (which is to say, dependent on NOT using dice to make decisions or people using meta terms/functions). I’m in it for story and writing, not games.

What I am not looking for. Saving the world every week. My characters tend to be more cog in the machine (but not a faceless number), not the one true hero. I don’t want their activities to revolve around massive threats and saving the world weekly. Just a small part of something that adds up, like a participant in a campaign, but fitting the prior character focus. Their actions mattering more on a personal/individual level.

The second thing I am not looking for are large groups or events. I am uncomfortable in these environments and I don’t feel they fit my character or style. Anything reliant on rolls or stat systems just isn’t going to work for me, as I feel these take away my character. I’m not opposed to rolls within reason, but I do not enjoy pass/fail or non nuanced system.

Guild wise, I am not looking for anything human centric or single racial. It needs to be either a mixed or accepting guild. No military or merc style, Ruemian will not accept claims of authority over him, he answers only to the Dragonflights and Scalecommander. Anything else will be treated as a suggestion. If anyone else tries to give him orders, he will disregard them. As such, any guild he would be best suited in a liaison or ally role.

On a character level, I am most interested in other Warrior or soldierly type characters. Those with a strong sense of duty and a campaigned past, which will mesh well with Ruemian who is of a similar mindset. Preference on Night Elf, Draenei, or a select Dracthyr or High Elf. Longer lived races and characters with a full past he can claw at.
I’m somewhat particular on characters, so it needs to be a concept that will mesh with me. Characters well diverged from physical and cultural norms generally don’t work well for me. He will not work with undead, demon hunters, warlocks, or anything with a pronounced void presence.

For Ruemian, He’s an Evoker, as one could expect. He has a strong sense of duty to Azeroth and will fight with everything he has for it. He’s still rather lost in the world, not having enough time to really catch up on so much history. He’s still fighting against his inner doubts and questioning if he has any higher purpose. Doubt is a heavy burden on him, which he will struggle to contextualize alone. Indeed, he generally struggles to resolve his own emotion, though few would ever notice since he doesn’t really show much.
While an evoker, he will be dual classed as a warrior once those are available

Please reach out to me in game if you might be interested, and lets see what we can do. Thanks for reading


i wish more people were like this. unfortunately i dont have any that would fit your story, but i like the direction you want to head in, and hope you find like minded people to do it with.


Thank you. I also encourage anyone looking for similar things to just reach out to people. It never hurts anyone to reach out

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Feed him, because food is good for everyone

Still poking around. More Dracthyr classes soon too!

New classes and still people searching

Not quite new years yet, but still on the look out. Near happy new year to all

Being all voidy and all I don’t fit what you are looking for but I loved a lot of what you had to say and wish you the best of luck in your search.


Ever do any recruitment or maybe be willing to work like security? If you like, when would be a good day this next week after the 1st to set up an interview/first IC meetup?

I have not, but thank you. Security would not be fitting of the character, as he is not the sort to stand idle or wait unnecessarily. If he’s not fighting or prepping for battle, then he’s going to be maintaining his equipment, or enriching himself with study.
I’m mainly looking for more active roles, as opposed to passive or reactionary. It’s what makes guilds difficult for me, as most of the time I end up feeling like I’m either not doing anything or not getting to do anything.

I’m just generally not an events or crowds person. I can’t keep up with a lot of activity or noise. I also just generally don’t feel like most events have much room for me to participate in a manner I would enjoy. Time zones are also an issue as most elected time slots are when I’m still at work.

I am very much an individual or small scale RPer. I need good character and conditional motivation where everyone has their part and motivation. More room for the story to serve the characters rather than characters simply participating in a general role.


Hmmm, how are you with small campaigns in zones with a small group of people? Planning and whatnot?

It rather depends on the characters involved and overall goals. The important things for me are relevancy (to characters present and overall story), reasonable stakes/scale (AKA not saving the world, but not something mundane or easily handled by anyone), and that everyone has a fitting place in the story (and can be satisfied with their actions).

More or less, cooperative writing for everyone involved when it comes to events, where who ever is DM/GM is more responsible for keeping things moving (and stopping any one player from doing everything) rather than issuing actions. I don’t mind running lead on that, but I generally want to make sure everyone is getting to do what’s appropriate for their character, without having to result to rolling to act.

The main hold up for me is I am somewhat picky with characters. There’s a lot of concepts out there that just don’t mesh with me. I don’t wish to be rude to those users, but if it doesn’t work for me I’m not going to want to RP with that character. I typically wouldn’t ask such things to leave though, I would just state I’m not interested and most likely just move on myself as to not be an obstacle to them. That’s a large part of why I don’t like larger groups of guilds, because it raises the odds of that rapidly, and I don’t want to be problematic to those people.

Thus why most of my preference would be with one to three other RPer/Characters.

Power bump to mention there is also a warrior on the table (not shouting anything yet).
Still looking for smaller scale more interpersonal and grounded RP between characters.

Head out and stare at some ruins, must about their past with someone who might have known it prime. Discover the best and worst mountain top fishing holes. Torch a few kobolds along the way.

Best way to reach me is still by whisper or mail in game

I’m still on the hunt for more RP.

As earlier, still works best with those of more martial backgrounds, and characters with a.colored history that he can claw at and speculate upon.

I’m still looking for more adventurous and worldly stories, with the focus being on getting the characters out and actively into the world. Fighting, exploring, learning, or just having a chat in the wild. Anything to get out there. Ruemian does not go to cities (doesn’t like dense artificial or urban environments) and has no valid reason to be in the southern eastern kingdoms. He will never be in Stormwind IC, as it is out of the way and doesn’t offer any purpose to him.

I’m looking for more individual or small group focus, not large groups or generic roles. Thematically, action, adventure, non roll based combat, exploration (both characters and world), deeper topics, and possibly vague romance. Generally things oriented towards bringing out the less superficial elements of a character.

Feel free to reach out to me in game. I’m on almost daily in the evenings. I can share discord, but I’m primarily interested in in-game RP. Thanks

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Dloin (and Dloine, the warrior version of the same character) sound like a good fit for what you’re looking for. He’s been my one RP toon since TBC and his story is quite layered. I LOVE RPing the nuance of how he conducts himself in character interactions, and I am tickled when my RP partners pick up on that nuance. He is all martial, no magic, and he has complex feelings about things like the Light, faith, and family.

Problem is… 90% of my play time is from like 11am to 4pm server time. I have a pretty solid stable of contacts and friends so I often find RP every day, BUT I am always open to meeting new people, and Dloin is very sociable and outgoing so he’s always looking for an excuse to get to know someone.

Feel free to reach out if ever we’re online at the same time! At the very least I’d love for the characters to get to know each other, if not actually develop some sort of dynamic or plot arc together.

I’ll shoot you a message if I catch you on, though those hours are usually when I’m at work. 7:30pm cst/ server is typically the earliest I am on, and I would just be getting home. Plausible hours on the weekend though, so keep an eye out

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