[A] Looking for RP guild for myself and other!

Hello there!

My partner and I have decided to settle on Moon Guard Alliance with new mains after spending time on Horde-side WRA.

Due to phasing issues and business with the new expansion we’ve been having some issues finding information on RP guilds or seeing any others around the cities, and also trying to figure out if the ones in the guild finder are still active or not. :sob:

Anyway! Night Elf druid here, my partner is a High Elf, and we’re looking for something that’s Alliance-aligned but isn’t really heavy military rank and file. If you know of anything or could point us in the right direction that would be great.

Happy Shadowland-ing. c:

Hey there Rulvaar!

Welcome to Moon Guard. Glad to have you on the server. o/

If you’re interested in a neutral aligned organization that lends its services to the Alliance from time to time then maybe my guild would be a good fit. We are relatively young but active! We’re having an event this Saturday where we delve into the ruins of Eldre’thalas to acquire a tapestry for a client.

We take on other contracts too, usually for magical artifacts or neutralizing magical threats, that are all above board and legal in the eyes of the Alliance.

Check out our forum post if it sounds interesting. We don’t require you to join the guild to RP with us, we’re more of an RP community, but we do have an active guild.


Otherwise, the Grand Circle of Mages may be a good guild to look into as they’re more Alliance-oriented than us.

League of Lordaeron is active still, I believe. They’re a long-standing guild on the server that is Alliance-aligned, although I do think they are more on the heavy military side.


I also recommend checking on MG discords for their guild advertisement sections if you’re not finding anything that suits your fancy! Hopefully sharding is fixed soon. D: