A Long Shot but Hoping for Confirmation

With the release of WoW Classic Anniversary edition Blizzard has it made clear that it will continue into TBC. It’s not confirmed but I have to strongly assume that this edition will also continue into WotLK. What I am uncertain of though is if Anniversary Edition will go beyond WotLK.

I’ve thought about it a bit and logically it seems that Blizzard is going to be aiming for a third continuation of the Classic Trilogy. It makes no sense to stop at TBC. But if it goes into WotLK is it going to stop there? I can only see two options if Anniversary goes into WotLK: it either stops there and we have a permanent WotLK server or it continues into Cata and then it establishes itself as a 3rd continuation through the expansions.

What I really want to get from making this post is confirmation from a Blue reply (if that’s something someone inside Blizz knows or can even divulge) that we are in fact going to WotLK and beyond. Because right now I am stuck between rolling a character on the Anniversary Classic version or continuing my toon on the Cata Version since I missed out on the Classic, TBC and WotLK Classic versions when they came out (life responsibilities).

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20th Anniversary Realms will move to TBC and stop there. 25th Anniversary Realms will start again in Vanilla and progress to TBC, then to Wrath and stop there. You will have Era, TBC, and Wrath realms.

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This is speculation, not confirmed information (unless you can provide a source that I’m not aware of).

This is a Cataclysm Classic forum. You need the Classic General discussion forum.

At this point, AFAIK, all of that is still TBD.