A little off topic, but since it's downtime.... let's discuss the FED

Most of the articles you see about “record profits” are intentionally conflating the words “profit” and “revenue” because they know you’re already predisposed towards a particular ideology and don’t know how/don’t care to look at financial statements yourself. This collusive price gouging conspiracy theory going around is unacademic. Certain companies have done better/worse through the pandemic than others. But even big bad walmart reported negative income in its October '22 quarterly earnings call. These people just want you to keep being mad so that you’ll continue to interact with their content.

Take the word ‘record’ out of my sentence and replace it with normal revenue in a bear market.

EDIT: My point was that there is no reason for large corporations to still be charging prices this high

I’m just asking: what good does it do the average person to even try to understand or know any of this? I literally have no idea what anyone here is talking about.

I wouldn’t call it a partisan issue, but instead a special interest issue. When you look at what’s happened over the last few years workers have been unionizing and people have been leaving jobs to work at dif companies for higher pay and basically, the scales started tipping into the favor of workers instead of employers.

Raising interest rates disproportionately affects the working class weakening their power because they’ll feel forced to stick around and not risk their jobs on organizing or having time off in between jobs.

It really wouldn’t surprise me if it has more to do with big companies telling them to do it than anything else. Especially when you factor in that most of the inflation that’s occurred was due to the global supply chain being effected by either record droughts and/or covid lockdowns around the world.

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No, the Fed is NOT privately owned. While the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks are privately charted, they are 100% controlled by the Federal Reserve Board, which is appointed by the President. There is no private ownership of the 12 regional banks.

Companies are having very high profits despite revenue being lower. Margins are better. I find it hilarious you call this a conspiracy theory.

Also i looked up walmart on tradingview. They had better than expected q3 and q4 earnings. ^But I do understand they guided down and would have to see their earnings call.

And yeah I know j pow isn’t a Rothchild…

Then: When the shoe shiner boy is talking about stocks it’s time to sell

Now: When the arena forums are talking about stocks, maybe it’s time to sell

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its better than rampant inflation, which the Democrats gave us by handing out free money

People own stocks that are connected to those banks and while they [the board] may be appointed by the president doesn’t mean the government has any control over the FED.
It is unique that it is both public and private.

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What free money are they handing out?

Interest rates are above 4% on average whereas they were near 0% under Trump. And let’s not forget the corporate tax cuts and other corporate subsidies we give big oil companies for example. And what about all the crony government big business contracts to friends of these politicians that cost us a fortune?

So who is really the one giving handouts?

Oh that’s right… it’s only a handout when some poor stiff gets ‘free’ foodstamps he didn’t work for or some kind of substandard healthcare he can’t afford. Uh huh…

On a different note, why are we not doing full public audits on the federal reserve?

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TDS at work again.

Dudes been gone almost 3 years and still owns real estate in your head. Its your guys fault now.

And you cant print money like a drunken sailor and expect inflation to not happen.

All of em are guilty of that offense.


The Reserve Banks’ and LLCs’ financial statements are audited annually by an independent public accounting firm retained by the Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors’ financial statements are audited annually by an independent public accounting firm retained by the Board’s Office of Inspector General. The Office of Inspector General also conducts audits, reviews, and investigations relating to the Board’s programs and operations as well as of Board functions delegated to the Reserve Banks and the LLCs.

This has nothing to do with Trump.

First off, our stand of health care is still amazing, especially on the emergency level care.

But ignoring that, again… the issue is we printed cash while not producing anything. This created a huge amount of demand in a time of scarcity. We weren’t producing. China wasn’t producing. Europe wasn’t producing. Yet who was buying? We were in the US. Why were we buying? Because people were making more money than ever while doing nothing.

Anyone that works in manufacturing or is tied to any global supply chain saw this. Over covid the cost of a single shipping container went up 4x. The last company I worked for had months of backorders from China. Like every company, when covid hit, we reprojected and started building for the worst… and the opposite happened. It was one of our most profitable years in nearly a decade. When that first check went out we saw a massive spike in sales and it didn’t stop. People were home working on their car or motorcycle or their house.

This created massive issues. It’s why chip sales are still hectic. Chip manufacturers pulled back on production and then got slammed. Between the crypto bubble and the retail market surge, prices jumped. This happened on everything. Raw goods? Steel and aluminum shot up. They were SCRAPPING cruise ships because the metal was more valuable than the ship itself.

Anywho… you really need to rethink how you’re looking at politics. This isn’t a partisan issue. It’s power. The democrats have been completely taken over. They don’t give a damn about the poor. Even Bernie has been back tracking. Lifelong democrats have been falling inline left and right.

bro thats messed up.

Tell me you know nothing about economics, without saying you know nothing about economics…

Apparently you don’t either. What a stupid response. If you have something to say, say it.