[A] <Lionheart Classic> Looking to fill a few core raid spots | Tu/Th 6-9:30pm PST

Lionheart Classic is a highly active semi-hardcore progression raiding guild with fairly quick 10/10 clears in phase 2. We are looking to get into Phase 3 raids on Day 1 and we need to fill a few key spots in our raid team:

Resto Shaman or Elemental Shaman
Shadow Priest
Balance Druid

Ideally, you are geared enough with some phase 2 gear to survive phase 3 raids. We are doing Al’ar, K’T and Vashj this Tuesday, Jan. 25th to ensure new/trial members are attuned for the next step in phase 3, which we will begin on Thursday, Jan. 27th.

Visit our Discord server at discord.gg/vxMmVbZdev for more info.