[A] LFG any server

I stopped playing classic about a year ago due to health complications with my wife. It’s been a year and everything has normalised again. Sadly I barely had the chance to clear BWL once and passed on so much loot as a Former GM on US Heart seeker. I am a level 60 lock with a mix of pre-bis,DireMaul, and MC gear. I know my class and can pump!! Granted I’m not looking for a parsing guild or to clear a raid in under 2 hours. I don’t subscribe to the get all the world buffs, flask every hour etc. I do like bringing my own consumes such as Dark Runes,Mana Pots, crap tons of soul shards, food, etc. I would prefer to join a guild that has a capable raid team but isn’t too far into the raid tiers. I’m a husband and a father first and while going hard is fun, it doesn’t compare to time with the family. My lock is a max tailor and Max herb. If you think I would be a good fit for your guild. Add me on btag or more preferably reply on this thread. Thank you.

If you’re up for some late night shenanigans, we raid from Midnight to 3am Friday and Saturday nights.

World buffs and consumes are encouraged, but far from mandatory.

Full AQ40 clear takes about 2hrs. BWL/Bindings run about 90 min.

We also do a few ZG/AQ20 runs throughout the week

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What does your guild loot system look lite? I prefer Loot council, If you use DKP Etc what systems do you have in place ?
I do prefer a late night raid schedule so I have time to get the kids to bed beforehand. I am in MST.
Formal Guild Application follows
HI there!
Toon name: Aggromemnon [Alliance]
Current Realm: Heartseeker(Willing to X-fer for the right guild)
Class: Warlock SM/RUIN(Pref) can go DS/RUIN if needed (really hate this spec)
What I’m Looking for: I am looking for a Semi-Casual raiding guild. Focus would be PvE>PvP and require some consumes. I am looking for a community of players to develop a good relationship not a guild that only logs onto voice(Discord) to raid etc.
My Classic Experience/current progress: I am currently 10/10 MC/Ony 8/8 BWL with an 82 parse on Nef! (thats with Pre-bis + one Nef helm no flask) I didnt have much experience in Vanilla wow when it was current but dove deep when classic was launched and am thoroughly loving this version of the game.
Preferred Raid time (though I am fairly flexible):I Prefer Mid weed raid time Tue/Wed/Thu in the Late night/Early Morning/Afternoon.
My goal in Classic Wow: My goal is to reach rank 11 in PvP and clear all PvE content in the game. I have already begun prepping for ZG as a warlock and am super excited to keep farming the heck our of BWL.
What I can offer your guild: At the Start of Classic I lead a guild in classic growing to a raid team of over 40 and a total guild size of about 200. We cleared MC week 3 and were farming that instance and ony for Months. I however had a family crisis dealing with my wifes health and had to step away for 2 months Dec-Jan. When I came back the guild had completely changed and I felt like it was time to pass the torch and once again forge my own path. I state all of this because I am an experienced classic RL, great at recruitment,Gering people in pre-bis etc, and encouraging guild activity. I will show up each week withmost consumes for my class. Specifically as lock I bring Shadow/Arcane Power pots, GFPP,Demonic/Dark Runes, Bandages, and Mana pots. I aim to get at least 2 world buffs for each raid i.e Dragonslayer+Songflower.
If you like what you see here hit me up

Still Looking


Check us out and can chat via Discord.