[A] LF Late night raid guild *6PM PST (9 PM EST) start time*

Hello! We are looking for a raid guild that starts their raids 6 PM PST or later. We both have past CE experience, however, the main person looking to raid is a demon hunter. I personally cannot fully commit to a raid schedule, as I am an expecting mother-to-be in February. I typically play a healer and could be a bench player for your raid team.

We are both key fanatics, so we want a guild that has active key groups throughout the week.

Feel free to reach out on bnet!


Hello Raevyne!

I thought maybe you might be a good fit for us so I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family! We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We raid on Fri-Sat nights from 9:30-12:30 EST. With an optional/Alt raid on thursdays at the same time.
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night!