Skyfury (NEW REALM) | Classic Guild Rerolling | Horde 25m Hardmodes | PvP +

This is a bump, for forums.

Hey! is there room for one more? I main a Hunter :slight_smile:
btw my bnet tag Dfive#1429

Moved to heartseeker! woot

Who likes to rank?

Phase2 yet? Come on Blizz!

Who got the Strong Sbolt?

Looking for lock/warrior for tuesday and a few more for sundays!

Really looking for those locks and fury warriors

Still looking for top DPS. :slight_smile:

LF 1 hunter / 1furry lets go!

Still accepting top knock dps for both teams.

Less then 1 week away from bwl!

LF 1 priest!

LF dwarf priests yo

Lf 1healer + any good dps!

LF 1-2 more to finish off out 45man roster! Mainly 1priest !

LF healer priest or paladin

LF dwarf priests!

LF dwarf priest

LF 1 holy priest or Holy paladin! And all exceptional players