Skyfury (NEW REALM) | Classic Guild Rerolling | Horde 25m Hardmodes | PvP +

Played with these fellas on kronos 3 good luck!

Awesome news about the realm list coming out this week!

Who has the big feral tank?

Our team is beginning our prep for classic, the hype is real!

WTB the realm list ! :smiley:

Nice realm lists! not many of them tho…

Lets go thalnos! will be a good time.

i’m interested in joining. rolling a dwarf priest for classic

Battle tag or discord? :smiley: or join ours.

Whos got the count down memorized?

Another EU realm is cool!

I guess I’ll bump this…

i guess ill bump this

Skeram is going to be great

less then 90 days!

Need a holy paladin by chance?

Need a Warrior? Rhenz#1101

ITs so close, I can taste it.

under 24 hours!

Classic is a good time :slight_smile: