[A] <Insurrection> is Recruiting – 9/9 AQ40 – Tues/Thurs/Sun 6-9 PM Pacific

Guild Name: Insurrection

Guild Leader: @Bryar

Guild Officers: Skyrra (Co-GM), Madd, Inzington, Rebelpaladin, Freeble, Newmar, Galneliza

Guild Focus: Small tight-knit team focused on efficient raiding in a positive environment.

Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday 6-9PM PST

Discord/Website: discord.gg/NxKW5Mf

Progression: 9/9 AQ 40

Recruitment Needs:

Fury Warrior

Holy Priest




Exceptional players always considered.

Loot Rules: Suicide Kings with light loot council for tank gearing purposes.

Notes: Please visit our discord server to read our guild charter and apply if you think we would be a good fit!