[A - <Instability>] #3 Herod - LF Raiders

DPS, heals, tanks. Come one, come all.

Running 3 MCs a week, come one come all!


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Its Friday! Time to make the change you’ve been wanting and hop on over to Herod for some Instability action




Update for 1 Holy Pally and 2 more Disc Priests

bumping this topic

BWL is nigh!

One tank and several others, please!

Come apply if you dont suck… our ranking is going up in BWL

Tanks? Dps? Healers?

Are you out there?

Less than a week til BWL!

LFM for BWL!

Still need big boy tanks/dps/heals!

Come all for fast BWL clears.

Recruiting 1 priest, 1 pally, and top tier dps

Recruiting 1 priest, 1 pally, and top tier dps