[A] <Infiniti> Newly (re)formed veteren led raiding guild recruiting! 10 PM - 12:30 AM server wed/thurs!

Hello Benediction!

Recruitment closed for the time being

<[Infiniti]> is recruiting to fill out our raid group! Our core is a group of players that have been playing and raiding together since Wrath. We are aiming to complete the hardest available content including hard modes, 25 mans and 25 man heroics when they are available.

As such, we are looking for similar minded individuals. We aren’t a ridiculously hardcore guild but we will expect players to know their classes and be prepared for raids, we aim to clear content in a reasonable time while still having fun doing it. We will have a 26-28 person roster with a rotating bench to ensure consistently full and smooth raids.

We use Loot Council (utilizing RCLC & That’s My Bis to help track loot) for our loot system, prioritizing the player, consistency and merit over the class.

Our raid days and times are Wed/Thurs 10:00 PM - 12:30 AM server time.

Currently need:

  • Tanks:
  • Melee DPS:
  • Ranged DPS:
  • Heals: Pref:

As always, and exceptional DPS or heals encouraged to apply!

Please message me (Bnet/Discord: Superasil#1337, ingame: Superasil) or LastPrayer (Discord: LP#2116) if you have any questions or wish to join!

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Midcore best core

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Still looking for peeps wanting to raid in Wrath!

Still looking

I’ve got about 8 buddies who I’ve mythic /heroic raided with since wrath looking to find a good a guild for 25 mans. Ret Pally, boomkin, lock, mage, Disc Priest, DK/Shaman, Feral locked in so far. Would be interested in a discussion about wrath plans!

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retail main^^^ Lastprãyer

I don’t know if you take this reply but I played a horde hunter in classic vanilla and a horde warlock at the end of classic vanilla. In TBC till SSC on my Lock. Which then my guild became toxic and I stop playing. I also came back for a little for BT and Hyja on my alli ret pally but I was thinking of playing hunter again for Wrath. I am leveling one up if you looking for wrath recruits. I also have two friends that are coming back to wow for Wrath a resto druid and a really good rogue. The Druid is level 70 and the rogue ia waiting on me to get to his level so we can level together at 64. Thought I put a flag up for anything recruiting if your not interested that fine if you are send me a message. My in game name on hunter is Agibeen and my ret pally is Gobane.

Bump, updated main post, still need a few good peeps!


Still need more bodies for wrath raiding!

Bump, still looking for just a few more!!

still recruiting for mage?

We do! We could use one more mage. Pst me ingame or on disc and we can chat if you want!

Still need some DPS, a feral druid would be pretty nice

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Bump! Could use a few more DPS to round out the roster keep us going strong!

Bumpity bump bump

Could still use a few more good DPS! Also, happy thanksgiving to our American guildies and friends!

Still looking for dps

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Bump! Still looking for people!

I’m a survival hunter looking to raid! How do I get in contact?