[A] Hunter LF Guild & M+ Team

Recently switched mains and factions. I know this is a long shot but I am looking for a raiding guild and consistent M+ team to always get better and push keys. I can link my previous main for those interested.

Fully understand that my gear is garbage, but you need to give me a chance to show what I can do. As far as days I can raid, Monday - Thursday preferably. Keys can be any day. Just looking to show a good group of people what I can do and to have some fun at the same time.

Hi Ctee, “Loyal Beyond Blood” may be able to help you. We have 2 officers that handle M+. One handles low keys and the other one high keys, plus we have 2 guilds on Stormrage, so there are members who will put up there keys in g-chat and LF other guildies to join them. As for raiding, we are currently LF a new Raid Lead. Our last raid leader left for RL issues when we were starting into fated heroics. I’ve been having to pug them now myself (I’m a fellow huntress), but the new pre-patch for DF is expected out next month, and DF itself end of Nov. (on the grapevine), so we should hopefully be able to find someone to lead the DF raids. You can fully gear up through M+'s in the meantime, and make some new friends here doing it. The guild also does PVP, and we are LF another officer for that. Also, be aware now that many guilds have players taking breaks w/ either Classic or the Beta before DF, when they plan to return. If we sound like the right fit for you or you need more info/invite, I am usually online almost every day in the afternoon and sometimes early evenings. If you desire an invite and can’t catch me online, then just use guild finder for “Loyal Beyond Blood”, and we can get you in that way.


Would definitely be interested in talking with you. We have a fun raid and we are always open to adding committed people. You would need to get a little farther along with your gear before you could join the main raid - at least for the progression fights. We run scheduled M+ events and a weekend alt raid that should help with that. It should not take long with all of the gearing options in the game now.

Our guild is active and people are friendly. People get on discord while they are running M+ or just to chat. We also have an active cross realm community.

We are very laid back and stable. Our primary focus is AotC and our raid schedule is Tues/Thurs from 8-10:30 pm est. You can learn more about us here:

Add me on discord or b-chat and we can talk.

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenöut | Evenlife