[A] Hunks For Hire | Stalagg| 10/10 MC 1/1 ONY | Semi-hardcore| Tues/Wed nights
The guild Hunks For Hire is recruiting raiders for our main Molten Core/ Onyxia’s Lair roster. We are now 10/10 MC and 1/1 ONY. Our leadership core has raiding experience in vanilla content up to Naxxaramas. We have all been playing since vanilla and have raid experience in every expansion. As a result, we have matured as a group and have gained a vast knowledge of World of Warcraft. Our success will be the result of preparation, communication, and team building.
We identify as a Semi-Hardcore guild.
That means we expect you to understand your class and to read up on all class/raid information provided in the guild discord. When you enter a raid, you should know all about the boss encounters. Our guild will provide a professional raid environment and that will allow us to clear content quickly.
Raid Times
Tuesday 8pm -1130pm Eastern Time
Wednesday 8pm - 1130pm Eastern Time
4 Mages
1 Resto Druid
2 Rogue
What we want
We want players that are good or willing and able to get good. Priority is people who show up for raids regularly and put in the effort to get pre-raid BiS, consumables, etc. Raiders should have a positive attitude. You should also understand that what we accomplish in raids is a result of team work and everyone should be capable of pulling their own weight.
We will be using a transparent loot council system.
If interested, reply here or you can contact me @
In-game = Dragonbear
BattleNet = Joebear#1502
Discord = Joebear#8545