[A] Hpriest LF AoTC guild

I have Duelist PVP experience, KSM experience, and AoTC experience on multiple healing classes. I like doing semi-hard, but still casual content. I’m decent but not amazing by any means, farmed all my M+ XP for this season this week so far, for instance, will probably have KSM in a couple weeks after I can get my IO near 2k on fortified week and get invites to 15 keys. Right now I’m currently at the mercy of getting a late start but my ilvl is 266 PVE because of PVP. lol

I’m looking for a stable guild for a long-term situation (meaning I’d like to have to meet and get used to new people 1 last time and just play with them for the remainder of my 15 year WoW career lol), preferably on a populated server. I’m middle-aged, chill, and I play every healing class except for MW so I’m willing to switch mains for tiers where Priests are bad, but only playing 1 toon due to time constraints. At the moment weekday evenings are what works for me, but just looking for a 1-2 night raid schedule that ends no later than 10pm EST.

Game’s pretty dead right now, but worth a shot. I’m not completely opposed to dabbling in Mythic after a guild has Heroic on farm, I’m just not really that worried about it if no one wants to do it either. Perfectly happy getting my KSM and AoTC.


We are looking for additional players for our Saturday, AotC only, raid.

Knights of the Alliance is recruiting all people, all specs, all roles, for our raiding, Mythic+, and PvP teams.

KotA has been around since the early days of Vanilla WoW and we have raiding in every tier since that time, attempting or beating every raid as it was current content. Every so often, as with anyone with a life, we have backed off of raiding due to real life events or because an expansion sucked (looking at you BFA). During Legion, we were a top 10 guild on Lightbringer and top 5 Alliance guild. However, as always, our goal has never been to actually reach these heights, they are just obtainable with the right group of individuals around us. As such, here are the rules for KotA members -

  1. We were all prior military. As such, we tend to act like it. We bark orders and we expect things to be done when we say it. But that also includes all of the fun stuff. If you were ever in the military, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
  2. We swear. A lot. An obscene amount, actually. If that hurts your psyche, then we aren’t the guild for you.
  3. We are also a family guild. My dad, my mom, my 3 older brothers, my 2 little brothers, and my sister all play WoW and are all in this guild. Once upon a time, we also boasted having my Uncle, my Aunt, and my Cousin all in guild as well. Those familiar relationships tend to grow towards people who join our guild, but especially with those who have been in the military.
  4. Because 1 and 3, we also tend to give everyone around us alot crap. We trash talk you if you screw up a pull. We give you crap if you fall down on the elevator boss. Expect to have alot of fun while in guild but expect that fun to come at your expense.
  5. We are a family. As such, we help each other out. We farm materials if you need to level your professions, we help you out if you are trying to get a specific item, we bring cauldrons, feasts, codex’s, etc. From the moment you join, expect us to treat you as your family would treat you.
  6. Which brings me to our final rule - If you sign up for something, we expect you to be there. We understand things come up and we know that real life is far more important that WoW, but we just ask that you give us a heads up if something is happening and you’re gonna be late or won’t be able to show up. We aren’t heartless, you know.

If you’ve made it through the rules for harmonious living in KotA, then you might have a place with us.

We are going to be raiding Normal raids, then switching over to Heroics, then onward to Mythic, every raid tier. Our raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday, 5-8 PST/8-11EST for our main raid and Saturday, 5-8 PST/8-11EST, for our second raid. For M+, our guild focuses on getting our guild members through KSM, and then pushing to see how high we can go. We currently have a team training to join the Mythic Dungeon Invitational in August/September to see how high they can do. Finally, for PvP, we do RBG’s every Monday, Arenas on Thursday, and our goal is between 1800-2100 every season. In fact, there are some that are shooting for 2400 this next season.

We are currently looking for a mage. Our guild boasts the best healing core on the server and many of our DPS are top 10 for their class/spec. So, if bullet points up above sounds good to you, hit me up. We always invite the person, not the class or spec.

If you are interested, reach out to me at my BNID - FallenAngel#1436

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Hey bro, appreciate the response but I’m never able to play on weekends so the schedule wouldn’t work out for me. Thanks anyway!

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Tuesday & Thursday 8p-11p est
Civil Engineers is currently looking for more like-minded individuals to join in on the memes.
If you enjoy having a good time, are a skilled player (or at least think you are), enjoy a good meme, and are done with that 12-20hr raid schedule, come say hi. We just might be the home you never knew you were looking for!
We are currently looking to add more skilled dps to our roster (especially you ranged dps’ers) of basically any variety atm. As long as you can play it well, doesn’t really matter what you play. We are not striving to become a top 1% guild so we won’t ever try to pigeon hole you into something you don’t enjoy playing. Plus we have an Ed Sheeran look-a-like!
So if you are a player that is just returning to the game after a break and you’re behind on content/gear then come chat with us. We would love to help you get caught up so you can be part of our team.

If any of this resonates with you and/or your friends and guild, hit us up.
Having a chat never hurt anyone :wink:
You can leave your info here or contact us @ the following:
DISCORD: TOTO#4671 or NOM@9878
BTAG: CORV#1911 Nomane#11660

Hey there! we’re alliance on lightbringer, and we certainly end no later than 10 pm est! haha since we’re a weekend morning raiding guild. We’re perhaps a little bit more hardcore than what you’re looking for, but i think you’d like us. Here are our details:

5/10 M SoD last tier, currently 9/11 Heroic Sepulcher Easy going, Tight-knit, Weekend morning raiding team with a great atmosphere, times are:

-Saturday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time

-Sunday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time

Eastern time http://time.is/ET

We have a pretty stable Mythic+ Community, pretty much everyday keys are ran in some way shape or form, from scheduleded to pickup groups from our discord channel, every season we hold a race with prizes to KSM! If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, contact me for more info, i’d love to speak with you one on one, Hit me up at Slerne#1294 (Bnet) or Slerne#9837 (Discord) for more info.

Hi there Gaugamela!

Reborn is a laid back, friendly guild that has fun while we kill bosses. We’re currently rebuilding after a bit of a rough last patch, and you sound like you’d be a good fit with us. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-10:30 EST, but we have no problem if you have to leave at 10.
If you’re interested, you can read more about us here, or contact me on bnet at Denny#1703

Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And battleground and arena gurus. We’re knowledgeable and helpful. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.