A How-To Guide for Blizzard Dev's

I don’t agree with the heirloom equals to blue gear or stack % for max level toon. It sounds BS and makes leveling too fast, and forcing people too use heirloom only. People making decision between being stronger and gaining more xp, now you make it the only option. The current heirloom bonus xp is reasonable, not too fast nor slow.
A heirloom tabard from loremaster achievement is a good idea. It requires much effort and deserves a reward, 5%-10% bonus xp.

Which ideas did you like?

Just hiring on more development team is never that easy especially when you have other game departments, and your trying to develop new games. You got remember Wow is 15 years old, it showing its age, and there have been other MMO’s nipping at heel’s for years, plus the slew of other games like Athem, and other high ticket games attracting player base. Blizzard is trying to keep up especially when they ditched there new MMO idea a few years back , so you just cant say get more developers it never that easy.

Oh, you may have missed the news a few months ago, but they actually pulled many devs off other projects and put them on the WoW team. In other words, the WoW team grew substantially. My hopes are that it means in the future or next expansions, hefty content patches every month, but it clearly shows they are pouring a lot into this game. That’s what I meant, a lot of devs are now on this game even though 6 months ago they were not. They are def up to something!

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Such common sense improvements. But who are we kidding Blizzard would never go for these. :rofl:


Well they want to have something for Blizzcon, something to show, and they need to have a team for Classic, since there has been and out cry to get that up and running once they have Classic up and running Blizz and will go after all the rest of those private servers …a feeling why I think they are really putting Classic up…But back to Blizzcon they need to show some at the Con huge since the “Diablo” thing was such a …let down they want to make this one huge…well thats the theory…

Why does it have to be all one way other another? Have one dev team working on past game improvements and the larger one working on new.

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It dosen’t but mostly the player base would be at arms cause they are make the Northen Barrens more engaging , There would be dozens and dozens of post why are you wasting time on old content posts…why dont we have new content…why are you messing around with old stuff…

Well, what I was proposing was not that they have to change up the old content at all. They don’t have to change the barrens, they just change how XP gain and heirlooms work so people WANT to go level in the Barrens or anywhere for that matter in old content to get things to use today. In other words, I mentioned getting the Loremaster tabard for excessive XP gain. Or, for transmog, making some things unlock by doing achievements in old zones. It gets players out there in the world with very little effort and no need to change any of the old questing and zones.

An example might be having to finish all Hinterlands quests with the Revantusk Horde Forest trolls to unlock a forest troll skin color, or a troll heritage mask or weapon or something.

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I like no ilvl restriction for transmog, loremaster tabard, and more customization options.
Talking about customization, putting in as many skin colors as possible doesn’t make sense and may make it ridiculous, like the green troll in your image. The dwarf actually looks good, though. However, having a restriction on customization is needed, because of race identical. If the trolls can be green and bulky, then they’re Amani troll, not Darkspear trolls, and they didn’t join our rank.

Actually my dwarven friend, the Revantusk Trolls have been in the Horde since Vanilla WoW (even had a reputation bar back then, but they are just flagged Horde now). They are the exact same big bulky models as the Amani- in fact most of the Forest Trolls are. And, in Zuldazar, if you visit their Speakers and talk to them, they say they will forever support the Horde- so it’s weird to me that they and their ancient enemies the Wildhammer Dwarves- also from the Hinterlands- have not been allied races.

However, as an aside, if you ever play Hordeside, as someone that knows so much about troll culture, I was VERY happy with Talanji’s coronation ceremony and unlocking the Zandalari as an allied race- and the other tribes would be VERY LIKELY to join the Horde now as it is. Winterax, Sandfury- the whole lot of them because they have always followed the Zandalari in the ages past. And if the supreme ruler of trolls says Horde’s for the Zanda- then they would follow suit, so I believe the colors you will find quite accurate for us.

Edit: OH and I meant to tell you that some of the Forest Trolls Tribes actually are the Darkspear model with the green skin. Just an FYI!


I’d be happy if they just dialled back on the condescension a little and realised that we’re not the enemy.

Well, it would be a good start at the bare minimum.

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I don’t want to mix different race like that. We had DI dwarf as an allied race, Wildhammer could be one, not as an option for the core dwarf race.
Same for Revantusk troll, I want to segregate them from other tribe, just like zandalari.

They do this - it is called surveys. They are random so the results are more reliable than your method.

I used to find it fun prior to 7.3.5 because I had options on how I wanted to level up, options that I enjoy.

Scaling was the thing that destroyed my options and made leveling tedious and underrewarding, expanding it would do nothing except cost them time and effort better spent elsewhere.

This is how it was prior to 7.3.5.

Nope, some slots should not have heirlooms because crafting professions shouldn’t be made totally useless for all those levels.

I would feel a little better about this if it wasn’t so obviously more self -interest rather than what is good for the game.

This idea would destroy other types of game play. The current scaling was a compromise between people who didn’t want scaling and those that did. More scaling isn’t going to solve any problems, you have plenty of choices already, giving you more makes no sense really. If you have a choice of 20 candies and you like them all what does adding another 20 to choose from do ?

I am in the middle of this post so am not going to risk losing it by checking out your link - I will post and edit but I find it hard to believe this isn’t going to cost them only a dime.

edit - okay I looked you are correct they would be cheap to make but quantity does not equal quality.

Well I agree with this. But there is no need to add more to pathfinder, it serves no purpose.

OP needs a “How to Summarize” summary.

This is a very interesting and detailed guide. I could sum it up by recommending that Blizzard start having a get together with some of the most well known players in the game. It could be held on a weekly or bi weekly or even monthly basis. This would allow some true, honest and open discourse between players and developers of the game. Through the conversation the developers will understand what the game experience is like for the players and important matters could be discussed. I believe Runescape does something like this and I don’t see why Blizzard couldn’t give it a try.

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Well written, solid points, and with actionable feedback.

Good post, OP.


This line gave me a chuckle, since what you’re describing is quite literally as simple as changing numbers. :joy:

I’m not sure you understand how game development works.


Personally, I wanted to originally separate them all into “spoilers” for ease of reading, but then it turns out you cannot use [spoiler] tags on here! Otherwise, I would have organized it better.

I could not agree more. I think by directly asking for and listening to customer feedback they would have an easier time finding a balance between what the dev’s want and what we as players want.

Thank you, sir! I tried to be as straight forward as I could. Hopefully, someone at Blizzard will see this and kick some ideas around at a meeting or something. Sharing our ideas never hurts, and I have been sitting on some of these for a long time.

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Ok, this is weird, even though I am still me, I can no longer edit my massive post…