[A] <Highcrown> Afternoon Weekend Raiding

Highcrown is a semi-hardcore progression oriented guild on Atiesh with the goal of knocking out the raid content in an extremely organized and efficient manner. Our leadership has past experience running and raid leading a Day1 classic guild that sported competitive speed-clearing times. Nowadays, we are recognizing more and more that raiding in classic isn’t necessarily competing with top north american guilds by dedicating 80 hours a week to shave off a minute of a raid, but rather the people you are clearing with. That being said, we have a strong focus on successful raiding and we will be speed-clearing if the raid team is in favor of it later into the respective phases.

We fill a niche time and our raid times are excellent for college kids wanting to spend their nights partying, international raiders, late shift workers, or simply working men and women that want to do their hobby of gaming on the weekend after a long work week.

Saturday: Noon-4pm PST (ST)
Sunday: Noon-4pm PST (ST)


  • Protection Paladin/Warrior
  • Guardian Druid
  • Discipline Priest

Please do not hesitate to apply if you class or spec isn’t listed above - we are always looking out for exceptional players.

Reach out to Sixblade#1337 on Discord!

Please apply at the above listed link, you will find our guild charter and application form!

Joined this guild with the understanding that they would be raiding withen a week. Log on today and iv’e been removed or the guild no longer exists. Wow thanks!