⏪ [A][Stalagg] <Rewind> Recruiting for Weekend Raiding


Our core is comprised of a group of top-end players that came together through WoW many years ago. We have efficiently cleared high-end content in every expansion throughout WoW’s history, including Vanilla. Now that we are a little older and have families, careers, responsibilities, etc., we would still like to clear content, but on a more convenient raid schedule.

Raid Times:

Saturday: 4-8 PM EST
Sunday: 4-8 PM EST


If you raid with us, you will be expected to be properly prepared for all raids, including appropriate consumables, raid knowledge, etc. Do not mistake us for a casual guild.

If you want to show up, and you’re looking to clear content with good players without losing sleep before work the next day, this might be the place for you.

A Few More Notes:

We will also be doing BGs and PvP, but this will not be on a scheduled or mandatory basis.


We are still accepting all classes, but especially need more:


If you are interested, please join our discord:


Or message the following in game with questions:

We look forward to hearing from you!

We are always around and we’re happy to chat and answer any questions about the guild.


Still recruiting all classes!

What loot system will you be using?

Loot Council

Bumping thread.

pitter patter folks

Except kids falling off bikes. I could watch kids fall off bikes all day. I don’t give a crap about your kids.

Switching our intended server to Stalagg.

It’s almost time

Still missing raiders! 32 on the roster so far, and can fill with a few more DPS, including spots for Warriors!

3 more sleeps!

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putting the bump up

Lets Goooooo

Friends! We are still looking for more Raiders. Currently, we have 38 out on the roster. Join today for the fun and see if we are a good fit.

Almost time!

Thanks for the invite.

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Lets gooooo!

Had so much fun leveling, havent veen abel to buuuuump

Still need more!

its almost time to prepare for pre-raid bis! come join us :smiley:

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