[A] [HEROD] Group Of Friends LF Raiding Guild

Hey guys i have a group of friends and I who are going to be joining the server of ~Herod~ as Alliance. Right now we have 2 Warriors one tank and one DPS (can also Tank) one mage one warlock, also one who may be hunter or warlock still debating,plus 2 rogues one wont be able to raid for a while but will play as often as he can. We all have raid experience and most of us played Vanilla. We are looking for a raid group to raid around 2-4 nights a week. We live in Ohio(home of LeBron James) so we are est time. We can raid 8pm est-1am est ish.

Discord name Boskoweezzy#0617

Hey Cheef - just shot you a friend request on Discord (Nutter281#8369). Stormwind Assault is an alliance guild on Faerlina, if you have any interest in changing servers pre-launch, and would absolutely love to have you guys! Shoot me a note if interested


Feel free to check my guild out. We will be new, but we have experience in the leader slots, and we are looking for great players to join our team!
Feel free to check us out!

Hey man. Just sent you a friend request on discord. I’m running a guild on herod alliance side. MWF 8-11pm CST (9pm-12am EST your time). Got about 90 of us so far in our discord. If you’re interested add me back and I can talk to you further. Otherwise good luck on your search :stuck_out_tongue: (discord: magedaddy#4559)

Feel free to check us out (link below). We have a fair bit of experienced Vanilla WoW Raiders and our raid times should coincide with your availability (Alliance on Herod of course). You can add either of the following on discord to discuss further:

Guild Master: Shady#9121
Officer: Fungus#1071