[A] [Herod] <bread> T/W/Su 8-12PM EST | Hardcore TBC Guild

Still looking for raiders.

Bump bump bump.

Looking for more raiders.

Still recruiting.

trying to get into classic before tbc, are there people of lower levels that i would be able to level with till tbc comes out?

There are some lower levels, but theyā€™re all at different levels, so thereā€™s no guarantee youā€™ll have anyone to play with.

Iā€™d highly recommend you make the effort to level on your own and donā€™t rely on others. 1-60 can be done solo in about a week or two. Weā€™ll help where we can, but we arenā€™t going to carry anyone the whole way.

Looking for more exceptional raiders. Our main needs are:

  • Balance Druid
  • Mage

Basically looking for a Mage, at this point! Good players of any class still welcome to apply.

Looking for good players, particularly a Mage, still.

Still recruiting.

Our roster is fairly rounded out. However, weā€™re still looking for exceptional applicants of all classes and roles.

Hey there - assuming that transfers to PvP realms from PvE realms become available around the time of the expansion, I am interested. I am a top 100 world parsing feral druid (in a fairly mediocre guild.)

If this happens, be sure to apply. Keep us in mind!

Looking for another elemental shaman, and any other exceptional players.

Looking for an Elemental Shaman and Survival Hunter.

Looking for a Feral Druid, Survival Hunter, and Elemental Shaman.

Still recruiting.

Recruiting some Hunters, a Feral Druid, and an Elemental Shaman.

Still looking for the following:

  • Feral Druid
  • Hunters


  • Feral Druid
  • Hunters
  • Elemental Shaman