(A/H) Cancer Survivors And Patients

I was wondering if there were any other cancer survivors and/or cancer patients on Wrymrest Accord. I’m personally a breast cancer survivor that is still undergoing treatment and I know sometimes it’s lonely to not have people around that understand much of what we go through. (And how Chemo brain makes questing extra fun!)

I’d love to connect with fellow survivors, patients, and even previvors! Maybe we can make a community if there isn’t one?

I play Alliance, but I have a Mag’har I’d love to level sometime. (Just haven’t had the motivation.)

My Btag is Buckeyewitch#1318 or, if you’re Alliance, I’m Cossima.


I’m not a survivor, but I wanted to be the first to tell you you’re a badass and should be treated as such.


Here are sunglasses for you to wear while walking away from explosions. Lok’tar, friend!


My Mama has Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Stage 3 she is dealing with Lymphedema in her lungs right now. She isn’t stable enough for Chemo at the moment. She is in hospital and my sister is with her right now.
She was diagnosed this past March but seems every time she seems to get stable something else happens. She is 76 years old.
I just feel lost knowing she is so sick. It seems like she is going down fast. She has terrible panic attacks she use to NOT have those and now they hit her hard. She doesn’t know what to do when they hit her.
So keep her and many family in your thoughts. As we all deal with what she is going through.


I am not a cancer survivor. However, I am waiting for a heart transplant.


We could all use a support community for this, it seems.


I agree. I would like typing to others who are dealing with a lot.


You all have my support and prayers.


I am not a cancer survivor but my husband is. He was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He has been cancer free for 6 months now. He sadly has some residual nerve damage. He and I stand with you. You have our support and well wishes.


I have a pretty rare form of leukemia but nothing like what you have to deal with. There have been some scary times but compared to how others have it, I don’t get to complain. Hang in there. I know it can be tough but all we can do is try to keep our heads up and move forward, and remember that it doesn’t define you. You are so much more than your illness. Best wishes.


My mother has bladder cancer and plays on WrA. She likes to quest and collect pets. Unfortunately she is shy of meeting anyone on the game and sees them as strangers. I’m always hoping she will make some friends online as it is hard for her to get out anymore due to crohns and arthritis. Her meds keep her up all night and then she’s on quite early in the morning again. I can’t be with her right now, I’m not even in the country, but we can play together in WoW.

I really wish I could tell you she’s looking for friends like you, because she needs friends like you, but she’s too shy. If you see her give her a wave. She plays a priest named Lindyluu.

Best wishes to you and everyone else in this thread who is impacted by these awful illnesses.


Cancer is a “boss” that has very Hard attacks but with determination and “healing” some people will defeat that boss and win. Those who don’t we have their memories of courage in the face of the evil cancer boss.
Those struggling now with Cancer you have all my support and thoughts during this tough time.


Brain cancer from back in 2013 here! (explains a lot to some of you, I’m sure)

I did it, I fought my battle. To those of you still fighting yours or beginning this journey, I’ve got two eyes and a set of ears if ya ever wanna shoot the crap or vent things out.

Bnet! DrSexguns#1184
Discord: Dr. Sexguns#8952


I’ve created the WrA Cancer Support Network for us in-game. If anyone would like a Discord created as well, let me know. :smiley:


Fellow survivor checking in here! October will be four years since I was diagnosed with Stage II testicular cancer, three years since I have been in remission. It’s a hell of a fight for anyone who goes through cancer or supports someone who goes through it, no matter the type.

And guys, if you’re not taking cancer seriously you should. TC is the most common cancer of men from 15-35 but on the flip side it’s the most treatable form of cancer for men too. As someone who’s gone through it though let me tell you, it’s not fun regardless. Take a moment this month and every month to check yourself. And if you feel like something is off don’t put it off. Use the pair you’ve still got and call your doctor right away. This is the one chance when you can tell everyone you’ve got a valid excuse to feel yourself up. Use it and stay healthy. Check out https://imgur.com/zpif03m for details on what to do.


Our community is up and running! you’d be welcome to join it.


**** cancer, you’re a warrior and I respect you. Keep the fight until you down that boss!


I’m a man who suffered from breast cancer. Which I didn’t even know men could until I got it. Getting a mammogram was frickin interesting, I’ll tell you that. I was in the military at the time, and remember being at the VA talking to the nurse going “Uh, lady, I don’t have anything for this machine to grab.” And her telling me “Oh, it’ll find something.” By god it did xD

Walked all the way to the doctors officer who happened to be a captain, saluted him with my shirt off and a pink heart sticker on my lump. He got a damned good laugh out of it.

Shortly after, found a brain tumor on my pituitary, left it alone as they thought it was a prolactinoma. Few months later when it hit 10mm they sort of went “oh crap, uh…” discovered it was malignant and had to cut out a small part of my brain. So now I’m super worried about every form of cancer -_-


Not a cancer survivor, but my bf’s cousin is a breast cancer survivor. My paternal grandfather unfortunately, lost his battle in early 2014. Until the end he remained in good spirits and never succumbed to despair. Cancer sucks. You are all f*cking warriors, so stay strong! :muscle:t2::muscle:t3::muscle:t4::muscle:t5::muscle:t6:


Survivor over here, twice over!


Not a survivor but my father passed away after beating colo-rectal cancer a four year battle with a rare type of pancreatic cancer just about a month ago. My grandfather passed away from cancer just last year at this time, and my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer just a few days after dad’s passing. I’m working to stay on top of screenings and things but I feel you. It’s hard and you guys are so tough. Being the one on the opposite side is difficult, and it’s what brought me back to mess around in WoW as a distraction and a time to not think about all this stuff happening all at once.

Stay safe and stay strong you guys. This is a wholesome thread.

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