[A] Grievance is recruiting

Quarantined? Yeah, same here. Nothing to do but play WoW all day? Likewise. Since we are in the same boat, why not check out , a multi-gaming guild that raids on Tues and Thurs 6pm to 8pm PST while running M+, Arenas, and Battlegrounds all the time. We have achieved AOTC Nya’lotha and would love to add more friends to our roster. Check us out at www . grievancegaming . com or contact me on Bnet neatogeo#1746. Needs are DPS DKs and shaman, rogues, and healers with a dps off spec.

Hey guys! Looking for laid back place to call home? Especially with Shadowlands coming out, it is always nice to have a group of helpful folks around!

Family Friendly, real life first, multi guild gaming community! If you have been looking for a mature place to game, yet sill progress and have fun in raids and PvP we are definitely the place for you! :smiley:

Hey Guys!

If you are getting ready for Shadowlands but are still looking for a place to call home, come check us out!

Active gaming community with an active discord, Scheduled events, PvP, Raiding and just all around helpful people!

If you are still looking for a place to call home. A place that is active helpful and fun … come check us out!

More information can be found at Grievancegaming dot com :slight_smile:

www . grievancegaming . org (If you copypasta our link, just remember to delete the spaces before and after the dot)

Ever buy a game (or download a free 2 play mmo) and sit there waiting to choose a server, hoping you choose a good one with good people that are helpful and not just jerks that flame you when u ask a question. Ever hate joining a guild that you know no one? Ever hop from guild to guild trying to find one that suits you and your play style? Have you ever quit a game that you liked but could never get help from guildies or even find a guild that you liked? Well I am here to tell you there is an answer. Grievance is an online gaming community that spans many games.

Grievance can be found playing in the following games:

Official Grievance Guilds
Ashes of Creation (Guild at launch)
Black Desert
Elder Scrolls Online (Aldmeri)
EverQuest II - Permafrost Server
Final Fantasy XIV - Midgardsormr Server
Neverwinter - Dragon Server
Pantheon (Guild at launch)
Rift - Wolfsbane Server
World of Warcraft (Alliance: Proudmoore) (Horde: Thrall)

Embassies (Smaller Grievance Guilds)
Blade & Soul
Diablo 3
EVE Online
Guild Wars 2
Star Citizen
SWTOR (Rep and Imp on Star Forge)

Team Grievance (Grievance FPS/Shooter/PvP Clans)
Battlefield 4
Battlefield 5 (Coming this Fall)
Destiny 2
The Division
World of Tanks
World of Warships

Heroes of the Storm
League of Legends

Mobile Games
Boom Beach
Galaxies at War
Star Trek Timelines

(many other smaller and Independent MMOs)

Grievance is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have a very rich and honorable heritage that spans many games over many years, during which Grievance has proven that one can have a very rewarding gaming experience, yet have a life as well. The concepts of family, honor, and loyalty are hallmarks of Grievance and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.

Grievance is an adult gaming community, 18+ only. We have many long term members. This is no start up guild. We were formed in October 15th, of the year 2000. We were not always known as Grievance, but the membership has been strong and growing! We are one of the few trademarked Guilds in all gaming communities. We are comprised of singles, married couples, retired people, military members, college students and people located through out the US.

When you join Grievance you join a family. This family spans many games and even on opposite sides of the same game. Grievance is always a strong presence in games they are in. Grievance even has a real life get together, like a family reunion. We have this every year. We have a strong management support for each game, not same leaders in every game at one time.

We at Grievance are always looking to expand as anyone would expect. The larger the Grievance community the better it is. Wouldn’t it be nice to start a game at launch and have a lot of Grievance members log in with you on the same server and same side? Imagine the friendships you will make with such a strong gaming community.

If Grievance seems like a place for you, please feel free to visit our forums, they are free to register and browse. Come see what games we are in and the servers we reside on. There is always an officer of a certain game or a council member willing to answer any questions. We hope you will come take a look and introduce yourself in the Forum Registration / Applications Forum. Let us know a bit about yourself and what games you are interested or currently playing in. Hope to see you there.

World of Warcraft - Proudmoore

Come check us out over at Grievance and join the best family oriented guild out there. We always deal with real life first and you’re never going to be given a hard time about that. We are a casual raiding guild that uses Discord and enjoys playing WoW together in a polite and fun atmosphere. Please register on our forum and one of the officers will help register you.
http:// forums . grievancegaming . com/index . php (Delete the spaces to make the copypasta cook)

Grievance is currently 12/12 Normal and 12/12 Heroic in Nya’lotha with raids scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 - 11:00 ET (6:00 - 8:00 PT). Current needs are healers and great players like yourself!

The officers:
Britten - Guild Leader
Savvanti - Executive Officer
Cintress - Recruiting Officer
Airspace - Logistics Officer
Yvallyne - Raid Leader

Feel free to contact any of us in game, on Discord, or by forum PM if you have questions or concerns!

Good luck on your guild search and we all hope you choose us!! :smiley:

The Grievance Family

Hey! Me again! Grievance is still actively recruiting. If you are looking for a mature, laid back, helpful guild come check us out!

Currently the team needs healers but any class is welcome!

Grievance Gaming dot com for more info!

We are still looking for more players to join us for Heroic raids, Mythic+ dungeons, and PVP events now and for Shadowlands! Currently looking for healers but all mature and social players are welcomed regardless of class/role. Contact me in game neatogeo#1746, Discord Kuro#4670, or apply for membership thru our website grievancegaming . com / world-of-warcraft-alliance

I can not say enough about this guild! Amazing group of folks. Come hang out with us!

Contact in game neatogeo#1746, Discord Kuro#4670, or apply for membership thru our website grievancegaming . com / world-of-warcraft-alliance

The Shadowlands pre-patch will be upon us sooner than we think. To prepare, we are looking for more casual, adult players to complete past content as well as current ones to get everyone achievements and mounts.

Currently, we are 12/12 H Nya’lotha [wowprogress .com/ guild/ us/ proudmoore/ Grievance]. The raid schedule is every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm PST and M+ dungeons are completed daily. PVP events are scheduled weekly to help guildies achieve a 1400 rating or more.

For more information, check our website www. grievancegaming .com or contact me on BNet neatogeo#1476 or Discord kuro#4670

Hope everyone had a safe 4th of July (it’s a holiday for us Americans). We are still looking for all classes and roles right now for Heroic Raiding, Mythic + dungeoneering, and PVP events. Requirements are adults 18+, good attitude, social, raid aware, and intimate class knowledge.

For more information, check our website www. grievancegaming .com or contact me on BNet neatogeo#1476 or Discord kuro#4670

 Dear players of WoW who have persevered thru BfA and those returning for Shadowlands,

We would like to invite you to an active, social guild that has achieved AOTC for every tier since the Warlords of Draenor expansion, regularly runs Mythic+, and has weekly PVP events.

If this sounds like the guild for you, please contact the recruiting officer on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. Our website grievancegaming . com is always available 24/7 for guild related inquiries.

is still looking for casual, adult players who want to complete AOTC now and into Shadowlands.

Contact me on Discord kuro#4670 or BNet neatogeo#1746 if you would like more information. Our website grievancegaming . com is also a good resource for finding out what games our community have guilds and embassies in

Have you tried out the pre-patch on the PTR yet? If you did, how is it? Is the level squish a bit disorienting? Do you feel underpowered without all those corruptions?

Well then, you are going to need a guild. A guild that treats its members like family and knows that real life takes precedence over a video game. A guild like that is still active and helpful. Check out our website grievancegaming . com or come talk to me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670

All classes are welcomed to join us as we start the new Shadowlands adventure together

Hello friends! Grievance is still recruiting all helpful, LGBTQ friendly, casual, social adults 18+ looking for a guild that places real life ahead of the game.

If you would like more information, please contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. We also have a website that can help answer any questions 24/7 if I am not available www . grievancegaming . com

Hooray for a simultaneous release! Shadowlands will, hopefully, go live on 26 Oct 2020 @ 4pm PST, a full day ahead of the EU (technically).

Not only are we a casual, adult oriented, social guild, we are also LGBTQ friendly.

We would love to help you with this new and challenging content. All you have to do is contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 to get the 411 on how to join. Another resource is our website grievancegaming . com that is always available to answer any questions you might have about joining our robust community!

Always looking for more. With SL we plan to be running 2 raid groups (Norm/heroic) and (Mythic). But even just casual players are always welcome.

Still looking for more friendly and social players to join our ever expanding guild. Not only are we going to field more than one heroic raiding team, we will also be looking to start a new mythic raiding team!

If you are looking for a fresh start or looking to join a robust community, then Grievance is the guild for you. You can contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. Our website grievancegaming . com is always available to give more information on which games our community encompasses.

As the countdown to prepatch continues and with launch getting ever closer, Grievance is actively recruiting for normal/heroic raiding, mythic raiding, but we are also a home to many casual players and returning classic players simply looking to have some fun in Shadowlands with no pressure.

Prepatch is just around the corner and there is nothing better than playing your favorite class with the new tools the dev team will be unpruning on us. On second thought, there is something better: joining a casual, accomplished, active, and social guild WHILE playing with the new abilities. That guild? Grievance of course!

Please join us as we dive head first into the Shadowlands by contacting me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670. Grievancegaming . com is another great resource to learn more about our mission, our people, and our games.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Even though Shadowlands has been pushed back, now is the optimal time to get into a guild to build relationships that will last throughout your WoW experience. So join us today at grievancegaming . com or contact me on BNet neatogeo#1746 or Discord kuro#4670 if there are any questions.

Hope to hear from you soon!