[A] <Goon Commune> 10/10H 3/10M

Goon Commune was a fresh guild going into Shadowlands but we made quick progression into mythic, we are now looking for people to fill in core slots!

Progression - Tues/Weds 8-11 EST
Optional alt/casual run - Fri 8-11 EST

Recruiting all classes and roles aside from tanks!

Required Addons:
Boss mod of choice
Exorsus Raid Tools

You might be a good fit if:

Your goal is to push decent progression within a limited play time.
You can attend both raid days consistently.
You like evaluating logs and welcome constructive criticism.
You value the raid team over your individual stats.

You may not be a good fit if:

You’re looking for a quick stepping stone to a more progressed guild.
You become easily impatient with other players.


1 Like

Hippity Hoppity
Sounds like a neat guild-oppity

Nobody was on when I tried to discuss joining but:

  • What classes is the guild in dire need of? I’ve played a WW Monk since MoP but I’m thinking about a couple different options to try in SL (Still leaning towards DPS though).

  • What does the guild use for voicechat?

  • I haven’t really raided since MoP. Is that fine if I do join?

Hey! If you want to talk more you can add me on bnet but to answer your questions - Currently we are open to almost all dps but if you are open to different classes we can have a chat and figure out the best pick. Currently the guild uses discord as the VOIP and not raiding since MoP is perfectly fine!

I was paid 4 silver to bump this post

Are you looking more for ranged or melee dps at this point? I’ve raided as a rogue since BC but have experience with other classes also.
I’m seriously looking at Ret paladin since it looks like it may be viable this expansion.
I also have experience raiding as a mage or DK.

Boss told me to bump the forum post, looking forward to seeing folks around

bumpchamp bumpchamp

yes very cool

cool new guild for shadowlands? sounds very interesting wowee

Yo, is this the hot new guild’s post I was told to bump?

Added yall, guild looks interesting
HMU if u still got spots

bump this post

Sent you a bnet invite so we can talk!

See you soon!!

bump, get in here gamers

Bump, could really use some more healers and still need dps

buhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhmp this pooooooooooooooooost

We are once again bumping this post for recruitment support

this is a complete sentence

bumpchamp bumpchamp