[A] <FWHC> 5/8M Wed/Thur 8:30-11:30pm PST


[Fluffy Wizard Hats Club] is a two day progression guild focused on achieving respectable mythic raid rankings with a short, efficient raiding schedule all while maintaining a guild atmosphere full of players who look forward to playing alongside one another each and every week, and work together to push the envelope with each new raid tier.

Core Raid Mythic Record
Uldir | 5/8M | (5hour raid schedule)
Battle of Dazar’alor | 7/9M | (5hour raid schedule)

                          Raid Schedule

Wednesday: 8:30PM PST - 11:30PM PST
Thursday: 8:30PM PST - 11:30PM PST

                 Applicant/Raider Expectations

When recruiting for our core team, we look for a determined progression based attitude that is complimented by a consistent gameplay style and a positive attitude that is open to constructive feedback and working alongside other engaged players of the game. If you believe you meet these expectations do not hesitate to put in an application! All roles/classes/specs will be considered regardless of our recruitment priority above

                      Guild Trial Process

The trial period last 3weeks in which the trial may be cross realm or unguilded. During this time the trials attendance, performance and overall experience within the raid will be looked at each week by the officer team. After 2weeks the trial will have an opportunity to bring feedback and questions regarding their trial to the officer team and in turn the officer team will offer feedback on the trials overall performance and raid experience. Upon completing this step, the trial continues as normal for 1 more week before a final decision is made by the officer team and the trial themselves to continue as a core raider or to be moved to the casual raid.

                     Application/Contact Info

Apply for the Core Raid Team here! goo.gl/forms/LRZfklBJT4FpqiXD3

If you have any questions about our guild please contact the battletag listed below or leave a comment on the forum thread.


Additionally, you may contact our GM on discord!


Recruitment always open! Message me anytime for more info


Awesome guild - Fetid up next!


We have cookies, and they are freshly baked.

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I have been trialing with this guild for the past few weeks. I can say that if you are looking for a progression guild, look no further than these guys. You will find a great group of people who are level-headed, progression-focused, and accepting of feedback. Taii, the raid leader is even-handed, yet assertive and articulates strategy to the raid well. He has a deep understanding of boss strategies and has a good knowledge of all classes. He is creative and proactive in tuning strategy given comp and specific progression hiccups.

Long story short is that the RL is one you will want to raid for. The rest of the group is one you will want to raid with.

There is also a solid m+ culture. There are usually at least 2 post-raid groups and at least one floating around on any given night.


I’ve been with FWHC since late Legion and applying has been the best decision I’ve made in WOW. Great guild with great players looking to do great things!

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Recruitment Open!

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As a healer in this guild since the beginning, i can say it has seen many awesome people and seems to keep most of them around! Fun times, Good kills and Loads of love and respect for each other! Raid leaders 2nd family IS this guild and i can personally say he does an amazing job!! :tophat: :blush:


Recruitment Open!

Come join us!

Recruitment is open!

Recruitment Open. Primarily on the lookout for a main spec healer and a boomkin for ranged dps! All players should apply however!

Online now! message me for casual/m+ member invites!

Bump! - >

Definitely looking for Holy Paladins / Monks!!

Recruitment Open

Recruitment Open!

Come and have fun with us!

Hi!, so i’m not sure who i should contact since i love to do mythic+ and xmog runs etc. but also curious to push into mythic raiding as well though seeing as how i recently came back now that i’ve graduated I do have catching up to do. Though I would definitely love to join up!

Fetid down! Awesome progress for a 2 day guild (We only raid 5 hours per week!) Come join us for Zul!

Send a friend request to MOARCOOKIEZ#11733 and I would be happy to help answer some questions you may have and find a spot for you in the guild.