[A] [Frostmourne] Vitare 9/10M | LF DPS, Tank

LF some Casters for Mythic Conclave and onwards :slight_smile:

Death Knight - Frost/Unholy - medium
Druid - Balance - high
Hunter - Beast Mastery, Marksmanship - high
Mage - Arcane, Fire, Frost - medium
Paladin - Retribution - medium
Shaman - Elemental - high
Warlock - any - medium

^ rusty can down

Need more RDPS!

LF chill players/exceptional ranged dps to fill our ranks :blush:

Still looking for some ranged dps to round off the team :slight_smile:

New raid week - looking for some fresh meat :slight_smile:

Hello, BM Hunter 6/9 M, wondering if we could have a chat. I sent a friend request to Edan on BNET.


We are currently recruiting:

3x DPS

Death Knight - Medium
Druid - Balance - High, Feral - Medium
Hunter - Beast Mastery, Marksmanship - Low
Mage - Low
Paladin - High
Priest - High
Shaman - Elemental - High, Enhance Medium

Looking for either Melee or Ranged DPS. Check out the OP for recruitment needs :slight_smile:

LF 1 more just to finish off the team :smiley:

1x DPS

Death Knight - High
Monk - Medium
Paladin - High
Priest - Low
Shaman - Elemental - Low, Enhance Medium

Death Knight - Frost, Unholy - medium
Druid - Feral - medium
Mage - Arcane, Fire, Frost - low
Monk - Windwalker - medium
Paladin - Retribution - high
Priest - Shadow - medium
Shaman - Elemental - medium, Enhancement - high
Warlock - Affliction, Demonology, Destruction - medium
Warrior - Arms, Fury - low

We are currently recruiting:

4x DPS

Druid - Balance - high
Mage - medium
Priest - high
Shaman - Elemental - high
Warlock - high

still looking for ranged

Looking for more Ranged DPS! Keen for another Ele Shaman, Boomkin or Spriest.

Update - now 8/9!

Grats on 8/9! Hopefully yesterday’s Jaina hotfixes will help get that 9/9.

You guys interested in a frostmage? I’m looking for a guild. Thanks :slight_smile:

Still on a hunt for another Boomkin, Ele Shaman, Spriest or Warlock :slight_smile:

Hey Wintel,
Thanks! We aren’t specifically recruiting another Mage however add Edan#1411 on Discord for a chat :blush:

We are currently recruiting:

1x DPS

Druid - Balance - high
Priest - medium
Shaman - Elemental - high
Warlock - medium

1x Healer

Shaman - high