If anything, I think our guild is the best fit you guys - we have M+, heroic roster and a mythic roster (almost) all set for SL release. The only thing we need to confirm from you are your raid times - this is important if you want to be part of our roster. We are generally a 3 night raid progression guild with everyone having AOTC at minimum and a history of raiding in a competitive scene in other games. We are more than happy to take you guys in as core players for our roster should you fit our raid schedule or even as substitutes if you can only attend some days. Most of our scope can be found in our guild post below. I really do hope you can consider us!
Additionally: We have all tank spots filled in raids so your friend might only be able to play arms for raids and maybe only sub as prot. If you do consider us, please contact me at BranBiscuits#1686 (Bnet) or BrandyBiscuits#6452 (discord), as we need to confirm the logistics. Thanks!!