[A] Frostmourne <Atlast> recruiting for CE SoD. 5/10M

Where are all the rdruid/hpallys at?
Also looking for more some additional dps

Still looking

Where dem paladins at?

Still looking

Paladin/shaman looking to get back into raiding, current main resto shaman ilevel 178. Can dps or heal, working on my paladin but not sure what spec to play him. Battle tag loco#11864 if you guys need me

Fire Mage here - returning player.
Currently at 175ilvl
Have had raid experience from back in the day.

Ret pally-
Currently at 179iLvl
had mythic raid experience in the past to
LF a guild wanting to push mythic raiding and also just people to play with. didnt play bfa to much for raiding looking to get back into mythic raiding
all so discord is Crusader#5786 added one of you just waiting for the accept

We are still looking for more ranged dps and a very strong hpal or rdruid

Shadow Priest
Currently at 138iLvl
Keen to start raiding in SL. Ive shot Nic a dm, lets chat on Disc

still looking? :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy pally - 187ilvl

spriest 181 if youre still looking :slight_smile:

Up we go…

We are currently still chasing a capable Rdruid or Hpal for mythic progression.

Still looking

Looking for a capable warlock
Still chasing a holy pally

Discord- Arnie#8370
Bnet- Unle4shed#6220

As per the above we are still looking.

Hello I have recently decided to come back to frostmourne and to alliance, and saw that you raid later in the evening server time which suits me well. I am fresh levelling toons as I don’t have the cash to server transfer and faction change my 4 toons that I have. I am highly competent at playing BM hunter and play a number of other dps classes/specs at a level of normal raiding proficiency including DH, Pally, Druid and learning warlock. I was playing horde for the last 4 months roughly. I left my old guild because big differences of opinions with officers about how the guild should be run. My discord is is HunterDan#5768 if you have any questions for me.

We are still actively recruiting dps with some history in CE and performing well on an individual level (logs).

In addition we are still chasing a hpal/mw to slot into a core healing rotation.

AOTC attained. (better late then never)
Now we are focusing on mythic.
-Still looking for competent DPS

Happy new year! Let’s see what 2021 brings us.

On the hunt for more competent DPS