[A] <Flux-Frostmourne> 11/12M • Semi-hardcore 3 days

bumping post, vex dead and ra-den starts this week. LF solid RDPS and exceptional healers/offspec tanks

Ra-den dead in 2 nights. LF a healer and exceptional dps for drest and beyond. Come join the fun!

Still looking for ranged :slight_smile:

Drest dead. Ilgy dead on Thursday. Looking for some exceptional ranged for the last 2!

Bump. Now 10/12! Looking for warlock and exceptional ranged players!

Looking for an exception lock for carapace prog!

Hello, I’m currently looking for a solid guild that runs Mythic+/Raids 10/15+ or higher. I’m currently 11/12H Ny’alotha and 1600 io. Havoc DH and hoping to grow stronger and better at my spec with help of course.

Nagrand server, 31 years of age, IGN Ranardor.

Carapace almost dead. LF exceptional ranged to join us on nzoth prog!

Carapace dead. LF friends for nzoth prog!