A few reasons why WoW is better than FFXIV

This is why I use arabic numerals like normal people.

Fabricated my observations, sure.

A lot of this is just personal preference. I don’t think it’s worthwhile to debate which one is “better”. It’s like debating if hamburgers or cheesecake is better. It’s just going to be your personal taste.


With SSD’s nowadays, I can’t see this as a complaint. Also, I’m on an HDD and no loading screen is more than 10sec unless it’s to Limsa, then it’s around 20 on an HDD.

I guess you didn’t play it long. 14 color palette is amazing, especially since it changes during weathers such as rain/thunderstorms/snow/etc.

I mean, I’m neutral on this. I normally only play Elves so all these fluff races we have on WoW don’t overly appeal to me. Except Vulpera. They are cute.

They actually have an option to toggle your tab target. Two modes instead of WoWs one, incase you didn’t know. It could be improved though, but just remember that WoW took a long time to fix this and I still tab target crap above me in Korthia.

Animations are meant to have “feeling” and “weight” to them. That’s why they have animations. It’s a huge plus to me. Do you know how underwhelming backstab feels compared to say, Aeolian Edge in 14? Night and day.


A lot of the OP is subjective, esp. the first section.

This is the most important point of the OP for me. There’s no timegating on flight in FF14. That’s huge.

More account-wide things would be nice as well in general.

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NFL doesn’t do it with the super bowls.

I disagree with this. I feel like FFXIV does class fantasy better. For example, playing a Bard actually feels like you’re playing a Bard with its songs–and when you’re not killing monsters you can pull up literally any instrument you want and play your own songs anywhere. There are videos of Bards performances orchestra style.

Each class/job also has its own set of individualized questlines and stories which further helps the class fantasy aspect.

A ninja feels a lot different than warrior or scholar or a white mage. Sure there are some similarities but the classes are actually more diverse in FFXIV.