A few friends looking for a Christian guild

Im super interested too if you guys get something going. I started playing in the second year of vanilla but the last 5 years have only been on and off. I’ve currently got toons reserved on Bloodsail and Myzreal, but would be fine going to another server (except a streamer server!) and fine with a PVP server. I do want to play alliance however. MIgh tbe enough of us geneally interested here in this string to make something good.


I just applied to Ronin Elite too. I probably won’t join though if they end up with either of those three (Thalnos, Fearlina, or Fairbanks) servers.

Feel free to add me Azothan#11450 if we end up creating our own guild or whatevs. =)


I decided to give Fairbanks a shot but who knows what this week is gonna look like. I don’t even think Blizz knows what to expect after launch. I guess we can only hope it goes smoothly. Good luck as well.

I can try adding you if you want. I don’t know why its not working.

Sorry, thought I clicked reply to Azothan

yeah this type of guild is exactly what i’m looking for on alliance side. @dyo let me know if you find anything. but i’m looking for PVP server on EST

Sent you the bnet request. I’m sitting in character creation screen right now for Fairbanks… praying I get in smoothly. =P One thing I am nervous about is the Horde/Alliance ratio on this server. Per a 56,000 participant demographic survey, Horde are favored at 59% vs 41% Ally.

Is this a Discord tag? I think they only have 4 digits on the number.

I sent you a bnet request. Did you not get it? Or are you talking about discord? my bad. I’ll add you on Discord. MY discord ID is Azothan#5574

Do you know if you will have a wow classic guild yet? If so I am interested.

Alright, if anyone is interested my father and I decided to play on Incendius. It’s PVP and server location is Eastern (Chicago, I think). My name in game will be Worldeater. Look forward to seeing some of you soon!

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Our guild will be a group of born-again believers playing on Grobbulus (RP-PVP) Horde. We do not allow any form of adult behavior or language in our guild or discord. My battle tag is Stibnite#1628 and prinary characters will be Cleon, Lejes and Valsu.

I don’t know why I’m posting as Malthusian now, but my alt is Dysil in case there is any confusion. I’m OP.

been in que all night to login, have 2 friends on the server already, but we’re alliance

I think I’ve found a guild. They’re set on Incendius PVP server, Alliance.

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hahahahahahahahahahah internet is not for you

Might you be able to share here the name of the guild and/or the name(s) of someone in the guild I could contact on Incendius about possibly applying to join this guild? I will roll a toon and see if it might be a good fit (in a few days perhaps, I’ve been in queue for 3 hours on the server I rolled 2 toons on, but where I don’t have strong ties).

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Add BlazingFire-1044#1000 on Discord. He’s the guy to talk to.

The guild name is For The King.

Thank you. I have yet to use Discord but I will either get that figured out, or more likely just seek out the guild in-game.

Alright, everyone! We’re working to put a Christian guild together. Horde on Incendius. Add me, bowserpunch#11252, if you’re interested!