[A] DPS Fury Warrior Looking for Clean, Family Friendly Guild

I play as a Fury Warrior, and I have been playing WoW on and off since Vanilla. I played most in Vanilla, raided MC / Ony back then, and then played WotLK for about a year fanatically, killing the Lich King, and some Heroic content. I quit the game, feeling like I beat it afterwards. I have proven myself competent on Classic by parsing high, arriving with punctuality to every raid, farming all pre-BiS, Honor, and exuding a positive and helpful attitude. I have done my best to be an asset to those around me.

In regards to the morality of players on the game: I am absolutely fed up with the profanity, vulgarity, and blasphemy that I constantly see in guild chat, discord, and the server in general. I just can’t take it anymore.

I am searching for an Alliance guild on any PvP server with a strict policy against profanity, vulgarity, and blasphemy. More than likely, this would have to be a Christian guild, but I will settle for anything clean and pure.

Please let me know if you can accommodate me.

you sweet summer child.

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Thank you for the kind response.

To me it sounds like you are looking for a guild & server environment that simply follows Blizzard’s Code of Conduct - https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/42673 . The very thing everyone agrees to when the accept the Terms of Use to play the game.

Prior to the removal of the Game Master system, the Code of Conduct was enforced because this game is/was rated T for teen. It was for the most part child & family friendly giving millions & millions of people generally wholesome family entertainment.

Blizzard/Activision really needs to revisit the expectation of players, guilds, & communities to follow their Code of Conduct because when WoW actively did their subscriptions & revenues were at their highest.

When I played Vanilla, BC, & Lich King the rampart vulgarity was not allowed and the game was very enjoyable. Now it is not due to what you are discussing. I honestly believe it is the reason for low subscription numbers & the reason the majority of returning WoW Classic players are now inactive according to WoW Census apps & my now once large friends list now showing the majority now inactive as well.

The truth is the toxic minority is ruining this game for the majority & has been for quite awhile thus leaving to majority only one unfortunate alternative; unsubscribe. =(

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If you are interested in a casual/social guild that has the intent to raid please consider Dragon Keeper. We are small right now but working hard to change that and looking for our core raiding guild for those that are interested. We are located on Azuresong. We do joke around and have fun, but we try to keep it clean. We actually have a few kids in our guild, their parents are in it as well. Also have a few married couples, including me and the GM. We are not a Christian guild by any means, just wanted to state that so nothing is misleading. There are times when things pop up as much as we try to keep good/clean humor, because we do joke around, but if it offends you we ask you to speak up in guild chat so we know.

"In our guild we care about our members & that means helping them along their leveling journey to 60 and gearing up afterwards. We are friendly folks who enjoying talking, joking, & having a good time with each other. We are looking for active players who enjoy a laid back, helpful, & joking environment while enjoying all aspects of WoW. We will raid when we have a group of committed 40 players at level 60. We will also help our members get raid ready. If you don’t want to raid, that is fine too. We have many players who are WoW veterans, but we also have some who are new to WoW & we do not mind teaching you or helping you out. Our motto is WoW is not life, play how & when you want, & if you need help in game just ask in guild chat! We can’t help if you do not speak up. We just want to enjoy everything the game has to offer with a good group of people. We are looking for core members to form a raiding group; however all are welcome to join. We’ve got the standard guild bank, discord, and site all set up. All we need are players to help our guild grow!

Interested in joining? Message Prix, Timir, Alaij, Drexlee, Orikai, Hogwood, Channilee, Rysethi, Hammersong, Berowalt, or Faemire for an invite in game or more information!

All active players welcome!

Raid schedule TBA."

If you’re still looking, we likely will fit your needs. Check us out: [A][Atiesh] <Sibling Rivalry> Friends/Families/Groups | 19/19 Raiding - #14 by Grastaff-atiesh

I agree with you 100%… It is ludicrous and sad that I am in the minority, and flamed, when having to search for an environment where people don’t speak vulgarly and profane.