[A] <Downpour> -Proudmoore 2/10 M casual Mythic Guild, 2 nights a week

General Info:
Downpour is a guild of friends Looking to push shadowlands mythic raid on a two night a week schedule. we also actively push mythic plus keys weekly. We’re currently looking for like minded people to help build a great community to log on to and play with at a higher level of difficulty.

Current Progression:

10/10 N
10/10 H
2/10 M

Raid days/Times:
Tuesday 10PM-1Am EST
Thursday 10PM-1AM EST

Currently Recruiting:
Any Range roles, but we do encourage People of classes and roles not listed to Reach out and contact us if interested

Contact Info:
Guild Master-Bryan#1177
Guild Master-Ridgenesss#1404
Recruitment Assist- Verzir#1293


Bump for pump

Bumping as well

Bumpity bump bump

We have punch and pie!

Shamans are blue, bump-a-de-a-ba-da

It’s Legit

Bumparino we need people

Bump, where are the SL beasts

Buhrum pump pump bump

Bump it, louder!

Bump it louder for the ones in the back

Bump … beep … boop

Umpa lumpa bumpity do…

can i get one bump please

Bump. We need the peeps

Looking for good people and a good community. We got you fam. Come check us out.

Right foot right bump, left foot left bump!

Bump bump now ya’ll

Come, drink!