[A] <Descendants of Lore> (17+ Year Guild) LF DPS [Sat/Sun Raids 4pm-8pm CST]

Beep Boop for DPS !

Thanks Jex :slight_smile:

Need a DH maybe ? :smiley:

Up it up beep boop

We have room in guild for a DH :slight_smile:

Hey! I’m really interested about your guild :slight_smile: Just added you on discord and Bnet :slight_smile:

We are looking for 5 more dps classes for our raid group. Must be 380 ilevel to raid, but will accept rerolls if you are not splitting time between 2 raid teams.

Still looking for a few more DPS.

Good morning!!!

To the top! Have a great weekend <3

Thank you Jex :slight_smile:

Up to the top for GREAT peeps <3

Recruiting a tank and have room for 4-5 more DPS. Prefer someone ready to head into Heroic, but will make exceptions if you are a good fit.

Extra points for a DPS that can off tank on occasion.

We are looking for a reliable tank and have room for 4-5 DPS.

To the tops!

In need of a BM hunter? 391 ilvl, 8/8 N and 5/8 H between a few toons.

Sorry been off game a bit because of real life stuff. If you are still looking we do have room for more dps.

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Looking for a tank and 3-4 more dps.

ok awesome adding you to discord to ask a few questions :slight_smile:

Beep boop to the tops!