A Deep Dive Into Necromancy

No, but necromancers the class are. I shalln’t have anymore of my warlock abilities be stolen.

Oh good, I mean I’d be for having a a cloth wearer Necromancer to pair up with since Priests have Paladins and Warlocks have Demon Hunters.

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Oh it’s fine, I’ve been thinking of dabbling in some Necromancy for awhile now anyway. Demons are so last year.

Thats honestly how I’d see it.

Maybe wearing mail just to add another mail class… Wouldn’t be the first mail wearing Necromancer class I’d seen.

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Eh, honestly I’d prefer a mail wearer to be tinker personally. Have something to protect them outside of mech suits just in case. God forbid we get another leather wearer.


That works too. Even better if we get both classes.

I also like the idea of the Warden Class. Half Rogue/Half Mage Few bits of warrior thrown in.

That’d probably be too Night elf specific and suffer from the Demon Hunter syndrome of having only one race on each faction be it.

People still haven’t gotten over that because “EEWWWWW, ELVES!”

Good post but extremely long .Good work Mortis :+1:


Horde and Alliance have wardens now. I imagine they’d begin teaching others.

I also imagine that one of the specs accounts for Lillian Voss’ class. Kinda a void rogue mage hybrid.

But Warden would be one spec and maybe Spellbreaker another followed by Nightblade to account for Voss. :stuck_out_tongue:

Huh, You know I’ve been wanting a Arcane magic Knight for awhile now, your Warden might be as close as I get.

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To honest,necromancy is a forbidden class all its own if you dive into the history and it outcome. This is the reason it isn’t practice even today, it’s highly dangerous. the tales of the mad Arabia if you ever got a copy of it would explain why.


Same reasoning they’re allowed.

Compare the warlocks in the game they are just practicers of just a fraction of that power.


So use the same reasoning and Necromancers. :man_shrugging:

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To be honest, a lot of things that used the be forbidden no longer are.

Like, Warlocks were pretty much outlaws in Stormwind at the beginning of WC3. Their trainers were hidden in the underground beneath a dirty pub.

When MoP came out Varian had an official Alliance Warlock fighting by his side with a Felguard and everything on the novels.

A warlock isn’t a necromancer and i fail to see a similarity to the two,not even a dk is similar. If you come across the book on the mab arab( not the rock group mind you) which is rare to find you would completely wouldn’t nibble in it.

But if you want then fel and death would make it as close to what it would be lore wish according wow history.

Warlocks were illegal. Warlocks are no longer illegal.

Necromancers were illegal… What do you think comes next?

People wanted bards and tinkers did you get it?

Yeah, and bananas are yellow. I can say unrelated things too.

The point is: Pretty much everything is legal on Azeroth, where might makes right.

Plus we are all using Necromancy on Shadowlands if we join the Necrolords. Mages will even get to transform into Liches :smiley:

Which i’m not even going there lol.I made up my mind on not to that wouldn’t play well for me personally.