It’s gotten worse every year since 2020. More min max, more hyper optimization, more pressure to join the herd or be left behind. Megaserver meta chasing culture prevailed.
But is that fun? Maybe for some. Id argue for most is not. They’re just stuck in an ever accelerating culture of speed and optimization, at the expense of fun.
Slow down and smell the roses, you know? The game is the journey not the destination. It’s the friends and the community we built playing it. Not the gear we obsess over.
I want this so bad. A pure server where players who enjoy the game for what it is.
Currently, you have people knowing your full buffs without a mage’s reveal magic, automatic pinging of where rares are when they are up, addons that show players that you hate that are nearby so you can change direction and look for them.
So many actions these players are taking that would not be possible if they were not allowing a program to play the game for them and display info for them. Literal cheating scum.
I’d give anything to play with people who are mature enough to genuinely care about the game and, the players playing it. I’m sick of all the weak willed man-children ruining everything. T-T
yeah mankrik has world buffs every day (if you care about that ) and constant dungeons and raids. including leveling dungeons. the only thing that’s lacking is battlegrounds.
i play alliance, i assume alliance is more populated than horde
Yeah, alliance any good? Been avoiding that faction forever. Maybe I should give it a try. Do people give pouches and maybe a small amount of money to people starting out who have nothing?