A complete end to the botting problem of WoW

People make assumptions all the time., based on their own worldviews and perspectives.

The issue of botting is quite nuanced and far from resolvable with simple ideas being discussed on the forums.

I don’t even think people have articulated problems they perceive to be associated with botting to any reasonable level, so I suppose it’s not unreasonable to assume the average depth of knowledge is surface level at best.

The easiest, most cost effective and most impactful way to remove botting is to just play offline games, and police yourself from botting. It’s up to you to decide if that’s a reasonable trade off.


Captchas are easily beaten….

pretty sure you’re wrong, or multi billion dollar companies wouldn’t be routinely using them :expressionless:

Yah that’s exactly what wow needs.

Identify the correct pictures with an automobile present.

Hard pass.

I have not one , but two chronic diseases. I’ve played since launch and use wow as a pain management. Some days I can barely use my hands and a captcha would make things worse. No, I dont buy gold. And yes, it would indeed make things more difficult.

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Just register accounts to phone numbers or government issued IDs. The way Korea does it. Then limit the account per ID and give restrictions based on rule-breaking. Done. Botting solved.

they have a few issues with miltary folks.

their system does not recognize foreign numbers for even authenticator. Its not I don’t want to use it, I literally can’t. Its real common to have a locally issued cell phone overseas you see.

We what’s app (other apps) US phone numbers. and have the local (foreign to US though) number.

Tin fold says blizzard is too cheap to pay for text messaging to the country codes like 81 for japan.

Which has lots of US people who need to be here. when Uncle Sam says you go overseas, you go overseas lol. Usually for 2-3 year tours.

so this system would not see DoD related people’s overseas to have an account. Barracks rats like mmo’s. Lost money.

Some of them their only ID is the DOD ID. Which can’t be scanned or transmitted. you get some 17 years old waivers who don’t have a US license.

their first drivers license is the SOFA one you get overseas. It looks cheesy as hell btw, no picture (its whatt the mil
ID is for you see.).

and unless blizzard shows in exacting detail how they will secure the Db’s…it not be a place I’d say cool, go ahead and have them store 4 million players passport scans.

No hacker would ever target them for cc numbers and now…a nice passport scan too. 2 for 1 special.

Or…crazy thought here…instead of doing a bunch of stupid changes like this they could hire real people to help police the game. We could call them Game Masters or something like that. I think they have the budget for it considering Blizzard made over 5 billion in revenue last year.

hahaha, they made the 5 billion cutting employees lol.

Now for the massive layoff party they ahd a few years back, the shills were going look at the list (they put a semi-detailed list tbh). Not much was GM/game related to wow said the shills.

I was going fair enough. But…I am sure a few of them would have taken the option of a different job over straight up job loss. their old job, some sourced in blizzard’s failing esport attempts really, was going away. Find a job for them that is actually needed, why not try that.

Some of the list was even networkring infrastructure. they’d be the cisco (or juniper, whatever they use) guru’s whose new job could be some of the high end ideas some have here.

they could have been people who can read and act on funkiness in the syslogs off the routers. Stuff like that.

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