[A] <Coffee Oclock> 9/9M Amirdrassil, W & TH 7:30-10:30 PM CST

Coffee Oclock [A - Illidan] is currently recruiting active players to join our Mythic raid team for Season 4. Our goal as a guild is to achieve Cutting Edge each raid tier while having fun and pushing our rankings as competitively as we can. During this Awakened season, we will be taking a more relaxed approach.

Raid Times: Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM CST

8/8 M Vault of the Incarnates - US 186

9/9 M Aberrus - US 306

9/9 M Amirdrassil - US 230

We are looking for exceptional committed players!

Open Slots:

Class Spec Priority
Druid Balance/Feral/Resto High
Monk WW/MW High
Paladin Ret High
Priest Shadow High
Rogue Any High
Shaman Ele/Enhance/Resto High
Paladin Holy Medium
DK DPS Medium
Warrior DPS Medium
Priest Healer Medium
Warlock Any Medium
Demon Hunter Havoc Low
Mage Any Low

Also interested in any players with exceptional logs. Feel free to apply

Expectations of our raiders:

Our raiders should come prepared knowing the boss fight/mechanics, gear should be enchanted/gemmed, and should have the necessary consumables (battle potions, runes etc.). We expect everyone to be online 20 minutes before raid.

Above all else we expect people to behave in a non-toxic manner as our guild has a zero-tolerance policy on toxicity. Overall, we expect everyone to have a good time raiding as we progress through new content

APPLY HERE: < forms.gle/HNexEqkPAcB395Hq5 >

For more information on us you can contact the following players -



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Ran into some of these guys in a M+ a few days ago. They were super toxic.


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Looking for a competitive guild that is fun to play with. Prefer 2 day raiding guilds and mythic+ high key pushing on none raid nights. Iā€™m flexible with raid times and days.

10/11N SoF
7/11H SoF
KSM 2500+ io

Best way to contact me would be discord add me to discuss trial.

Discord: capone#9035
Bnet: capone#1406

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bump for 4/11!

saw low recruitment on hpal, if anything opens for core healing spot. CE hpal, CN/SOD 10/10M - 10/11H 2/11M SOF. LF raiding guild

bumping this. deathstarker smells