[A] <Chimera> (Tue/Sun) AOTC+ / M+ Focus Recruiting!

morning everyone!

happy friday all.

So blizzard has basically said no cross faction guilds with launch… I will be updating this thread to mirror this horrible decisions shortly. .

evening all .

good morning all! looking for team-oriented like-minded individuals.

I’d like to chat a little bit. Shot you a bnet invite.

happy tuesday… hit me up on bnet… i should be home all day

good morning

good luck in your vault today

i sent a request like to chat a little more

Excellent… I have accepted a few bnet requests… just reach out whenever!

good morning all! updated for recruitment needs after day 1 of fated raids… had a great day with some great people!!! looking for more!

good morning all… day 2 of grinding some M+ having some fun… recruiting some PEEPS!

good evening all

morning guys

still looking for some ranged dps!

still searching for dps… preferably ranged

A forsaken walks into a bar and says “ill have a beer… and a mop”

good morning

good evening