[A] <Chaotic Neutral> Recruiting for Shadowlands!

Looking for ranged!

Still have spots for dps!

Bumping up for potential big pumper ranged!


Bumping up!

Hello, im looking for a guild to go into SL with and grow with . pref a tight knit guild , come from guilds that basically felt as a family back in the day but have recently been playing solo. i play a wide variety of classes all at a competant level . i can fill holes with just about any class/spec. btag, Xplicit#11610 , if youd like to talk more !

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Hey there, we got your app but our GM hasn’t been around today to get back to you.
I will mention that we’re mainly looking for ranged as we’re a bit filled up on melee at the moment however if you’re open to playing ranged we might possibly have a spot - if so hopefully our GM gets back to you soon and if not GL in your search. :smile:

Well, i was looking towards my mage or hunter for release anyways haha , but like i said. i can play pretty much anything and fill in where its needed!

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Bumping up!

Last bump of the night!

Looking for ranged!

Bumping up!

We recently had a spot open up for a flex dps/heals once again so now looking for ranged and flex dps/healers!

Bumpin up!

Have open spots still!

Happy patch day!

Bumping up!

Still have open spots!

Bumping up!

Still looking!